Extra Dice?

By HuffMeister77, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Where can I go to buy extra sets of dice for Descent? I've read that you can buy them here at the Fantasy Flight Games site, but I can't find them listed anywhere in the catalog. The only other place I've found online that has them listed is www.gameoutfitters.com, but I don't really feel like paying their $9.99 shipping. Any other places I should check?

I'm pretty sure you can get them from a local gaming store. I doubt they would have any on hand, though.

To access the extra dice on FFG website, click on the 'shop' button, select board games and then click on the Descent icon. Outside of FFG, Thoughthammer is a pretty good website for gamers.

I should have known it would be right under my nose sonrojado.gif (I was focused on "Catalog") Thanks for the info!