Melee Play Mat

By cooleo1c, in 1. AGoT General Discussion

Made this just for fun using art from Magali Villeneuve's cards and a map of Westeros. Tried using a matte canvas material and it came out a little too dark for my taste.






Wow, this is *awesome*. Excellent!

That is fantastic. I'm mostly in the "I don't know what to do with a playmat" camp, but seeing that one really makes me feel it adds something and sets the tone for the game.

And it's the first picture of the new sleeves I've seen, I keep meaning to order some.

i love winning and owning playmats, but i never use them. that being said, yours is quite the treasure.

that's pretty awesome, how does one go about getting that made? I like that it looks big enough for four people to play around on a card table

I want one. How much?

That is astonishingly gorgeous.

Yeah, pretty amazingly awesome, I too would be curious about how this was made (either to do it myself, or get one myself).

:wub: :wub: :wub:

:wub: :wub: :wub:

Little late to the party aren't we? Why in the world did you respond nearly a year later? LoL.

Very nice Mat! Well done! :wub: :wub: :wub:

:wub: :wub: :wub:

Little late to the party aren't we? Why in the world did you respond nearly a year later? LoL.

Because I don'tusually read this section.

:wub: :wub: :wub:

Little late to the party aren't we? Why in the world did you respond nearly a year later? LoL.

Because I don'tusually read this section.

How the hell did you even find it? Haha.

Thank you!

Amazing; where can we have this playmat?

He had a Power Struggle in his used pile and stood a Targ character to play To Be a Necroposter.


but srsly, I didn't see that the first time around either, it's gawjiss.

Yea, that's pretty impressive. I'm also in the camp of "where did you get this printed?!"

And no Martell = :(

Well done!