creating characters

By Airus Anubus, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Can someone please show or put a link on how to create this new systems characters for my group to properly play the system.

We have tried to make them from the books and still have not made them to the level of the starter characters from the box set.

The Beginner's Game doesn't follow the same rules as the beta book. Things are different, combined, etc. And, if you break a character down, the numbers may not add up to a basic starting character in the book.

Let's take Sasha, for example. You can find her on the support page. She's human, so she starts with 2s all across. She also gets one rank in any two non-career skills.

Sasha has an Obligation. The Beginner Game doesn't use Obligation, so that doesn't appear on the sheet. However, Sasha's creator has either taken on extra obligation to get an extra 10 xp, or the character already has undergone some jobs in her career.

Sasha has increased her Intellect, Cunning, Agility and Willpower to 3. At 30 xp each, that's a total of 120 xp, 10 xp over the Human starting value. That is covered by the extra 10xp from taking on extra obligation.

You get a rank in four career skills, a rank in two bonus career skills from the specialization, and the human's one rank in two non-career skills. The BEginner Game seems to have merged career and specialization (the talent tree supports this). Sasha seems to be am Explorer/Scout. So, she puts ranks in Cool, Perception, Athletics, Pilot and Survival. In the core game, Pilot is split into planetary (airspeeders, swoops, etc.) and space (starships). So, in the core game, she could have put one rank in each, which would bring the skills to the proper amount. As non-career skills, Sasha chooses Stealth and Ranged (Heavy).

Sasha's character sheet contains 450 credits worth of equipment, well within the starting 500 credits, with 50 left over. She has an extra 350 (total 400) credits, as well, possibly the result of a past job before the adventure (another example of the numbers not adding up).

And there you go. The Beginner's characters are close, but not exactly following the actual RPG's core rules.