The Copy-Cat Investigator Creation Collection

By player1809340, in Fan Creations

Due to the same reasoning behind Aqua's own thread for all of their created content, I decided to go ahead and follow suit. I have a large number of created Investigators and so as not to bury the Investigator thread in unnecessary content and to leave things open for critiquing where I won't have to flip through everything (that is, if anyone actually critiques) I have it all in one place.

I'm going to post them in blocks of five and will add in my comments on each one as I go along. Here at the top of the thread I"ll post the link to the full printable version for use.

I will also acknowledge that the characters used for the Investigator's art are not my own. While I did use a posing program (and subsequently for a number of them Blender and Corel) I do not actually own the models. There are definitely familiar faces that you'll see in the Investigator sheets for sure.

Alright, here is the first set that has both Personal Stories AND Completed sheets! Click on the list titles to be taken to the Skydrive to download the actual .eon files, and click on the individual Investigators names to view the images.

Gentlemen Investigators

Émile Rathbone

Cesare Valentino

Oubastet al-Suyuti

Lady Investigators:

Edited by Dr.Faust





[[investigator adjusted and moved to later Post.]]

Edited by Dr.Faust

I do not comment Investigators; anyhow, I'll do an exception and comment on the last one. So, technically, you created a 3 speed character able to automatically negate every Headline appearing. Not to mention the incredible amount of damage he could create with Credit rating and movement point generator item (Motorcycle, Rubin of R'lyeh, or similar).

One of the good things FFG investigators had, was that there was a certain balance among the special abilities and the stats. Not all characters created were equally balanced, of course, but in Locke's case the character is quite broken. You should reconsider costs and the way points are allocated among the Stats

Just my 2 cents, though

Julia said:

I do not comment Investigators; anyhow, I'll do an exception and comment on the last one. So, technically, you created a 3 speed character able to automatically negate every Headline appearing. Not to mention the incredible amount of damage he could create with Credit rating and movement point generator item (Motorcycle, Rubin of R'lyeh, or similar).

One of the good things FFG investigators had, was that there was a certain balance among the special abilities and the stats. Not all characters created were equally balanced, of course, but in Locke's case the character is quite broken. You should reconsider costs and the way points are allocated among the Stats

Just my 2 cents, though

Noted. Thanks for deigning to comment on my entry.

Here's the update:


A lot better :) Thematically, he's good, and it makes worth staying in Street areas. Stats are more balanced, and the character could be interesting to play :) Last point that you could consider: since he's a minor, maybe he shouldn't be allowed to become the Deputy. This is a common house rule used for Wendy Adams (who's Minor as well). Still, even if you keep him as he is, you have a good character :)

Julia said:

A lot better :) Thematically, he's good, and it makes worth staying in Street areas. Stats are more balanced, and the character could be interesting to play :) Last point that you could consider: since he's a minor, maybe he shouldn't be allowed to become the Deputy. This is a common house rule used for Wendy Adams (who's Minor as well). Still, even if you keep him as he is, you have a good character :)

I contemplated adding that in as an additional rule, just like with Wendy, but, as is obvious, I took several ques from her in terms of stats for Locke. I think the reason why they might have left it alone for Wendy is that cops usually make kids 'honorary' deputies usually for fun. And really, Wendy is so fast and generally bad at closing gates (at least more than one) and killing monsters on her own that most folks aren't going to have her aim for being a deputy anyway.

Dr.Faust said:

I contemplated adding that in as an additional rule, just like with Wendy, but, as is obvious, I took several ques from her in terms of stats for Locke. I think the reason why they might have left it alone for Wendy is that cops usually make kids 'honorary' deputies usually for fun.

That's interesting! Didn't know, thanks for telling me :)

Dr.Faust said:

And really, Wendy is so fast and generally bad at closing gates (at least more than one) and killing monsters on her own that most folks aren't going to have her aim for being a deputy anyway.

Yeah, agreed. Additionally, her special ability allowing her to auto evade monsters in street, paired up with her 5 Speed, makes the use of Patrol Wagon a little useless..

Dr.Faust said:

I contemplated adding that in as an additional rule, just like with Wendy, but, as is obvious, I took several ques from her in terms of stats for Locke. I think the reason why they might have left it alone for Wendy is that cops usually make kids 'honorary' deputies usually for fun.

That's interesting! Didn't know, thanks for telling me :)

Dr.Faust said:

And really, Wendy is so fast and generally bad at closing gates (at least more than one) and killing monsters on her own that most folks aren't going to have her aim for being a deputy anyway.

Yeah, agreed. Additionally, her special ability allowing her to auto evade monsters in street, paired up with her 5 Speed, makes the use of Patrol Wagon a little useless..

Agreed. If you need the Patty Wagon to get Wendy around town AND to avoid monsters, you are playing her very, very poorly! XD


I've got some small comments for what I've seen so far:

Emile Rathbone - I don't usually comment on stats, but I kind of feel like you should pull a point out of Will and put it into Luck. I'm sure you have your own reasons for the stat alignments. Hypnotherapy feels a little unusual though. So, you are preventing people from going insane, even potentially from a dimension away, by using the power of personal hypnosis. I would recommend reworking the ability to target people that have already gone insane, maybe use hypnosis to remove madnesses on a limited basis.

Guy Kennedy - You don't need to include the second line on Weather-Resistant since it's redundant. Otherwise, pretty interesting character, though the second ability is likely too strong.

Cesare Valentino - I really like the first ability, and while the like the second I think it needs some minor restrictions (maybe spend all movement points to switch, or possibly all your focus) . I would also recommend taking a point out of lore and put it in focus. Part of what defines an actor is the ability to switch behaviors to whatever's needed.

Sergei Kaminski -, sure. No comments, looks fine.

Locke Colson - What is it with kids and being 4/4's? It just seems so...perfect. Anyway, I find it funny that all of Locke's abilities and starting items are entirely about money. Starting with 2 skills seems a little weird though.

Oubastet al-Suyuti - Why does he start cursed? Seems overly detrimental.

Cameron Ahearn - If you engage in combat during movement, your movement ends in place regardless of how many more movement points you have. To acheive what you want, here's how I'd write it: "Cameron may continue moving after any successful combat check. Whenever Cameron succeeds a combat check, he gains a number of movement points equal to the monster's toughness."

Cyril Manri - Conceptually, I'm a big fan of this investigator. Unfortunately, the odds are too skewed to enjoy him. Since you're asking the investigators to make a choice between "less than 3" and "more than 3", there's literally no reason not to bet higher than 3 (1,2 vs 4,5,6) . Since there's no benefit to betting against lower odds, you never will.

Brain Talbot - He's completely functional and even has good synergy with Summon the Beast Within, but I'm sorry to say I don't find him especially interesting or dynamic.

Yuuko Lockhart - I think she's too powerful. Starts with a Dragon's Eye, allows investigators to skip from cursed all the way to blessed in one go, starts with an extra stamina for some reason, and cycles through the spell deck for free (or even just generates spells for free) . Having one or two of these isn't crazy, but the whole package is just too much.

Tzeitel Weitz - I remember seeing this investigator a long time ago. It's a little different from how I recall, but like before she's still fine. If you feel like changing anything, I'd probably just take the extra sanity cost out of Home Remedy.

Tristan Almasy - Seems more like a guardian than an investigator. Starting with a Military Motorcycle is ridiculous, but also giving every other investigator a free movement point? I just feel like his overall stats when combined with the MM and second ability are just too high.

Travis Eckels - If Travis moves from the second area of an other world to a random gate location, does that count as exploring it? If it does work that way, change it so it doesn't. Otherwise, he's fine.

Steven Fox - Never give any investigator an 8 in any stat unless there's a very good reason for it. I know this guy fights with bears, demons and robots, but 7 is as high as anything in Arkham should ever go.

Oscar Barton - Man, you sure love giving all your characters an extra stamina/sanity.

Morrigan Mason - If she gets a good combat spell, she's very strong. Otherwise, kinda normal. It seems a tad redundant to give the sanity reduction ability on a character with 7 sanity, but I also consider it just as weird on Harvey Walters and Michael McGlen.

Edited by Shining Aquas

Thanks for the run-through. I appreciate the commentary and it helped to find flaws that I wouldn't have spotted on my own.

Emile Rathbone - I made the adjustment--I like your idea better. I had a counter-part to Emile that did the same thing for an Investigator that was knocked Unconscious--I may just switch their effect over to handling Injuries instead.

Guy Kennedy - Thanks, I couldn't get the wording to sound right in my head. I also adjusted his ability to only give a Clue token since sometimes, one gets loaded up with items that you just don't need or use but can't get rid of.

Cesare Valentino - The only reason I stuck him with 2 Focus was that 3 Focus seemed a bit much. After rethinking it, though, it does make more sense for him to simply have even stats in everything with the ability to shift to what is needed, almost like a dumbed-down Trish or Wilson.

Sergei Kaminski - Not sure what the 'um sure' is about, but beyond that, thanks...?

Locke Colson - I think 4/4 is just a great way of indicating that they are a full step below adults--the best and most even a adult character can expect is 5/5 so I suppose it only makes sense that kids would be 4/4. I will add, though, that his money making is more a theme-choice, since Newsies really had to focus more on surviving than anything else.

Oubastet al-Suyuti - The curse was a theme/story thing, but I decided to nix it after hearing you, the third person, point out it seemed a bit much. I don't know about others on the site, but, (knock on wood) I've never had a problem getting rid of a curse in a turn or, at worst, two.

Cameron Ahearn - Once again, thanks for help with the wording. Sometimes I tend to overthink things.

Cyril Manri -I adjusted this--I don't know why I thought '3' was the middle of '6' ^^; I made it now so that people play 'Even' or 'Odd'. If the majority wins, then Cyril gets $2.

Brain Talbot - Heh, they can't all be gems.

Yuuko Lockhart - Gave her an overhaul. Removed her starting items and let her start with four clues instead. Removed the second ability and let her just keep the Curse-to-Blessing ability.

Tzeitel Weitz - Removed the Sanity cost on her ability.

Tristan Almasy - This gave me an idea for making him into an Ally and turning his abilities into an Institute.

Travis Eckels - Adjusted the wording to mark it so he doesn't count as having explored it.

Steven Fox - Took the extra Stamina and moved it to Sanity.

Oscar Barton - Made him a 5/5 and adjusted his gear to start with a few extra dollars and 3 Clues.

Morrigan Mason - Changed her name to 'Lucinda' for the sake of /some/ originality, but beyond that, left her largely the same. The ability applies only to Combat spells, and since she has a high fight/high lore, best to give her plenty to compensate for having a lower health and average will.