Unseen Forces: Adventure Card - Ominous Portents

By Vala_Melkor, in Elder Sign

Hi Guys

Decided to have a look-see at the new cards in the Unseen Forces deck and came across the Ominous Portents one …

Ominous Portents

… I'm guessing that you lose 2 sanity when you enter this adventure and move directly onto the three scrolls task?

Looking at the rest of the deck, there's others as well! asustado … Walts

Hi Guys ... There's been little response here, which may be due to the minor downtime, but plenty of activity on the BGG forums ...

>>> http://boardgamegeek.com/thread/998915/adventure-card-ominous-portents

... Any chance of an "official" opinion? Players are arguing all the pro's/con's, it's insane!!! ... Thanks, Walts

Edited by Vala_Melkor

... and just a quick mention on the other two cards as well ...


... Dreaming of a Stranger ...


... Heroic Rescue ....

... Any thoughts on those cards which have the same dynamic's? Do you roll dice as the core rule states ...

Rolling the Dice

The player begins an adventure by rolling the dice in his dice pool .

At the start of an adventure, the dice pool contains all six green dice

(unless instructed otherwise by another effect; see “Locked Dice”

and “Items” on page 12). After rolling the dice, the player compares

his die results to the requirements of the adventure’s tasks.

... or simply ignore rolling dice and take the hits? ... Walts

In regards to 'Ominous Portents' & 'Dreaming of a Stranger', the tasks need to be completed in order. Basically the health/Sanity tasks act as an entrance cost to the card (there's a similar mechanic on Elder Sign:Omens it just takes the health/sanity automatically and doesn't list it as a separate task). You have to take the damage and then roll so you'd best be confident in your ability to complete the adventure ;) .

This is NOT an "Entrace Cost" which is a separate mechanism listed in a box like a Terror or Midnight effect.

On BGG the two view points are:
1. You don't roll because there are no dice-based icons to complete the task. You just take the stamina hit and roll for the second task.

2. You always roll for each task even if there are no dice-based icons as per the rules (revised, pg 6) and because a lot of other benefits/pentalies hinge on rolling.

This is NOT an "Entrace Cost" which is a separate mechanism listed in a box like a Terror or Midnight effect.

On BGG the two view points are:

1. You don't roll because there are no dice-based icons to complete the task. You just take the stamina hit and roll for the second task.

2. You always roll for each task even if there are no dice-based icons as per the rules (revised, pg 6) and because a lot of other benefits/pentalies hinge on rolling.

Thanks for pointing that out BB, I kidded myself on that anyone posting here would look at the BGG thread before posting!!! PLEASE read this extensive thread ...

>>> http://boardgamegeek.com/thread/998915/adventure-card-ominous-portents

... on these cards to give you an idea of our dilema. I've already contact FFG via their online form and have been waiting three days for something "official" back! ... Walts

This is NOT an "Entrance Cost" which is a separate mechanism listed in a box like a Terror or Midnight effect.

Poor phrasing on my part in regards to using the words 'entrance cost' but I'm pretty sure I didn't see any 'Unseen Forces' Adventure cards with separate boxes showing an entrance cost, are you able to name a few for reference?

There has been a post on the BGG forums that this issue was present in the original game, although just for one monster (Haunter in the Dark) ...


... Still no official response, even though I've used the "Rules Questions" form a couple of times since the 29th June.

Customer services???? :lol: :( <_< :wacko: :lol: ... Walts

What exactly is your question? I don't understand what you're asking. These adventures have tasks, just like every other adventure. These tasks must be completed in order. You must lose 2 sanity before trying for the 3 scrolls.

What exactly is your question? I don't understand what you're asking. These adventures have tasks, just like every other adventure. These tasks must be completed in order. You must lose 2 sanity before trying for the 3 scrolls.

Hi Musha ... The core rules state you need to roll your dice pool to see if they fulfill the task requirements. There's no task symbol needed from the dice pool to complete these task, just lose sanity/stamina/move the clock ... SO, do u need to roll the dice or not? Consider being cursed!

Go here for more discussions ... http://boardgamegeek.com/thread/998915/adventure-card-ominous-portents

Any thoughts ( after reading the BGG forums! ) ... Walts

I would have to say that no dice roll is necessary. Paying the stamina/sanity cost is the task and does not require dice. Plus the point of such tasks is to hurt you ONTOP of the chance of failing the adventure for an ADDITIONAL stamina/sanity loss.

I would have to say that no dice roll is necessary. Paying the stamina/sanity cost is the task and does not require dice. Plus the point of such tasks is to hurt you ONTOP of the chance of failing the adventure for an ADDITIONAL stamina/sanity loss.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh , now that's an interesting point I haven't seen anywhere, and could be the real reason why the automatic sanity/stamina loss are sitting on their own as tasks rather than being attached to tasks with other icons, which we know need dice rolls .

I think you've got the bull by the horns there, Musha! ... Walts

You can still roll for the sanity only task and cast a spell to lock dice you may need in the second task. It is still an adventure task so roll is nessary (if not truley needed)

You can still roll for the sanity only task and cast a spell to lock dice you may need in the second task. It is still an adventure task so roll is nessary (if not truley needed)

See, using your suggstion makes the game easier then, unless your cursed , but is more than likely the right way to play based on the core rules, too always roll the dice pool first to complete a task. This is why I've sent two "Rules Questions" to FFG for an official opinion on the matter ... two weeks and waiting? :( <_< :(

We want to increase the difficulty level wherever we can, so we'll just take the sanity/stamina hits with no die rolls, if only for a couple of cards and one ( masked ) monster to increase the danger level a smidge ... Walts

just put in the super mythos cards for harder time. those can kick butt when they come in

Eyefink at BGG got word back from the higher-ups .

Long story short: you still roll the dice . Then you complete the task, if able. The dice are rolled for the sake of all other effects where rolling might be important (terror, spells, curse, etc).

Edited by Tibs

Glad to see someone finally got a response!

Still not sure if we'll play by the rules surprise.gif ... but that's the fun of them! What's that old saying? ... " rules are made to be broken ." Ether way, cursed or blessed , the dice shall decide our fates!!! ... Walts

... strangely enough, I got the exact same reply from Mr H as well!?

We got there in the end ... Walts