A Grim Heretek.

By Oden, in Black Crusade

Well our gm just got his shiny new Black Crusade book and we are going take it for a testdrive, hence i have some questions about characterbuilding. Im going to play a melee oriented Heretek, but im still a bit fuzzy on the rules.

1) What im going for is a rip-off of the grim reaper using iether a fallen magos power axe or a power scythe. However unless ive misunderstood something twohanded melee seem to come with no advantages if placed beside dual-hand melee or any ranged builds. Some attack moves that seem to make melee even with ranged weapons (swift/lightning attacks) can't be used with twohanded, but i cannot find any specific ones for twohanded weapons. Am i missing something or is twohanded simply worse than the alternatives?

Another question is about mechadendrites, the manipulator and servo-arm ones. I had the idea of two mechadendrite "skeletal wings" that's used for parrying instead of using my unwieldy main weapon. My Gm has cleared it as he dont give a **** about visuals as long as they still use the same rules as in the book.

2) The question is the fuzzy rules about them.

""The Heretic may strike with it as his Reaction for the round or use it to make a Standard Attack (so long as it is only used once per round).""
The attack instead of reaction bit is clear, but the make a standard attack is poorly worded. Do i trade in my normal attack for a mechadendrite attack? Do i get an "additional" attack that can "only" be used by the mechadendrite every round? Do i get one such action per mechadendrite?
3) Lastly, any general advice to make a working melee guy, what works? what do not work? Ive looked into some of the special attacks like stuns/knockdowns etc but they seem very weak or that you have to build around them to make them work or are they viable?
:Edit bad sentencing.

If you want to use unbalanced/unwieldy weapons, my advice is to go for furious assault and killing strike. Get a weapon that does a crapton of damage, and hit people with it so they can't dodge or parry. Of course, then you couldn't parry at all, but hey…

As far as the mechadendrites go, what it's saying is that you can use them to make Standard Attacks (definitely not swift or lightning attacks, and probably not all-out attacks either) OR, if you don't do that during your turn, spend a reaction to make on melee attack with them.

Look up Alatus-Pattern Jump Pack

It's a special Tech-Priest only Jump Pack from from Dark Heresy, Lathe Words. which has two huge wings on it's sides. It also doesn't need fuel (it drains energy from Tech-Priest - challenging Toughness Test after using it to fly or you gain one level of Fatigue), gives Fear (1) and add +10 do Parry (you use your wings as a buffer for hits).

Seems like something you'd want :)

It also doesn't have real avalibility stated (AdMech only) but I'd put it somewhere around extremely rare (only because you are a Tech-Priest).