Fantasy Flight Games is excited to announce implementation of new forum software, coming Monday, July 1st!
Over the past several months, our forum users have expressed concern over slow load times and other performance issues. We have listened to your feedback, and have been hard at work developing the next iteration of our forums. This comprehensive new software platform will offer a range of new features, including:
- A robust new personal messaging system
- Posts that can be liked and rated
- The ability to subscribe to threads, with instant notifications of responses
- An intuitive interface that makes browsing more convenient than ever
- ...and much more!
With these exciting additions, FFG's new forums are sure to become the perfect gathering place for all our fans!
When will FFG's forum upgrade take place?
This update will take place Monday, July 1st. Our forums must be taken offline while we implement this upgrade, and we expect them to return within the subsequent forty-eight hours.
Will existing forum and profile content be affected?
All current forum content will be migrated into the new forums , meaning that threads created before this update will still be available.
As for user individual profiles, because we are implementing a new private message system, existing private messages will be deleted . Please take measures to preserve the content of any private messages you wish to keep. In addition, the "Top Five Games" and "Games Library" features will no longer be offered on the new website .
Will any other aspects of the website be affected?
Yes. The Descent Quest Vault and the Lord of the Rings Quest Log will be temporarily suspended . These two resources and all existing content will be brought back online roughly one day after the forums return.
How will the Descent Quest Vault be affected?
Aside from temporarily being taken offline, the Quest Vault will not be affected. No Quest Vault content is being deleted . The purpose of suspending the Quest Vault (along with the Lord of the Rings Quest Log) is to provide a single, shared login screen for the forums, Quest Vault, and Quest Log.
How will the Lord of the Rings Quest Log be affected?
No user-generated data will be deleted , and when the Quest Log returns you will be able to continue logging quests as before. What's more, we are adding a function to allow users to select a game mode (Easy, Standard, Nightmare) for each quest they log.
However, when the Quest Log returns, the Quest View and Summary functions will have been temporarily removed . In short, while you will be able to log and review your own quests, you will not be able to compare that data with your friends or the community at large. We are currently working on an upgrade of these functions, and they'll be back (and better than ever) in the coming weeks.
Is there anything I need to do once the forum upgrade is complete?
We will be optimizing forum functionality in the weeks following the launch, and we would appreciate any feedback you can offer regarding performance and usability. If you experience any technical issues after the forums come back online, please contact [email protected] .
Additionally, when the new forums come online:
- Please check your profile to ensure that your correct email address is on file.
- This upgrade will reset all user avatars, so you'll need to reselect one from the available options.
Although the profile elements listed above will need to be updated, your friends list should be unaffected.
While we apologize for this momentary suspension of our forums, Quest Vault, and Quest Log, we're confident that you'll find the end result well worth the wait. Featuring an improved private message system, the ability to follow threads and like posts, and much more, this robust software platform delivers a new level of accessibility and intuitiveness, providing the ideal place to discuss your favorite FFG titles.