Anyone got a review of this thing to share?
Any Reviews?
I'm interested as well to read a review. I believed I've even thumbed through this book in a store somewhere.
i cant find it anywhere, guess i'll have to special order it online.
There's a review of Volume 1 on Comicbulletin , and I hope the guy who wrote it didn't get paid because he obviously hadn't read the whole book: Sword of Ganael is a standalone story, not a part of the Ingaar arc. Also, he misspelled the surname of an author (it's Luguy, not Leguy - burn, heretic) and forgot Xavier Fauche.
There's the official French website (the translate function does not work for me for some reason).
Also, I'd be happy to share my impressions and answer questions (I have both volumes in English and intend to buy all the French ones).
Yes, I would like to have a review too!!!
I too would like a review, or even be able to find this in a store somewhere.
Maybe at Chapters stores ?
Seems to be a common problem with the FFG books, have a hard time finding any of them...