Entrance Cards - Resolve Card's Ability???

By Vala_Melkor, in Elder Sign

From the rulebook …

  • " If an investigator is on an Entrance card during his Resolution phase, he must resolve the card’s ability ."

… what does that mean???

The Lost & Found card says roll 3 die, but I thought when on an Entrance Cards, you could choose to use them? The " must " in the text says u have to do what it says?

The other cards have buy or spend in their ability's, so what happens if you can't fulfil them … nothing, I guess??

Little bit confused.com on this new ruling! … Walts

That if you are on an Entrance card, you MUST do what that card says. Of course, if you have no trophies, then other than Lost and Found, you're basically doing nothing, so why even go an Entrance card then? But if you're on L&F (which I've still never ever used), you must roll at least one die (IIRC it says up to three dice).

Yeah, I suppose if you've no trophies it's no big deal and rolling one green die isn't going to kill you, perhaps!

Players just have to be aware of where their going, what Entrance card their on for it's ability traits, as they will lose trophies to goodies , or be smart and go to the First Aid Station where u won't lose trophies with the first treatment in the list. You know what, I've just read the cards again and see you can't buy Elder Signs with your trophies now, which is what we do a lot of … so best to just spend them across the cards!

These subtle little changes are certainly making the game more "interesting" for us intrepid investigators! complice

To be honest Dam, I panicked !!! asustado I read the Chapel card and thought I would have to give up my 8 trophies for a blessed die, but now I realise that there's no reason to ever go there … panic over , thanks! … Walts

Walts, I'm surprised you can't see any reason to 'ever go' to the Chapel! I use it almost every game at least once. Getting blessed is a huge advantage. However, I also tend to play solo with 1 investigator, so I build up my trophy stash relatively quickly. I can see how playing with a group those 8 trophies might seem more precious, but I think it's worth it.

Blessed is very powerful, but as I also play solo with 1-inv, most of the time I don't need to visit the Chapel, either I get one from an item or through completing an Adventure.

Blessed is very powerful, but as I also play solo with 1-inv, most of the time I don't need to visit the Chapel, either I get one from an item or through completing an Adventure.

All depends on how quickly the blessed item/adventure cards come up. With 24 cards in the item decks, they don't pop up consistently in each game. I also like to play multiple games in a row, and when I do, I don't reshuffle any of the decks until they run out (so just about every card eventually comes into play), which also makes them come out less often. I think there are only a handful of adventures that bless you. I have lost my blessing on more than a few occasions, too!

Walts, I'm surprised you can't see any reason to 'ever go' to the Chapel! I use it almost every game at least once. Getting blessed is a huge advantage. However, I also tend to play solo with 1 investigator, so I build up my trophy stash relatively quickly. I can see how playing with a group those 8 trophies might seem more precious, but I think it's worth it.

Hi X ... Yeah, ur right. Having a Blessed investigator does give him more punching power! We had two players Blessed and two as normal and the Blessed side of the table where rolling in goodies! Only had a couple of games now with the Unseen Forces expansion, so need to try and get one of those hot white dice! ... Walts

Had my entire group getting blessed. But they lose it when they failed a mission or when we have to stomp one of aboleths kids.

Edited by Majeh