okay so here's a odd like detail that I can't seem to understand a bit.
okay so currrently with in gaia, one of the most powerful organizations in the world is the Vatican church. their belief it simple. any thing that is supernatural or from the wake must die. they're pretty much an Anti-wake group from what I gathered. they are willing to destroy anything that deals with magic or psychic powers at all. however, some of their higher ups are known to wield ki, magic, summon, and even psychic abilities themselves. but they would only claim that these powers came straight from god and not some a supernatural source.
So to start explaining why I'm so confused, why are they stopping the supernatural using magic and psychic powers? I know it sounds kind odd to ask. but after reading into the Dominus exxet, I found out that Ki is more of a natural force in the world. it flows naturally with in every living being from gaia. but only a select few can utilize it's power to it's true potential. so it just seems very odd to me that they're using supernatural powers to destroy the supernatural when they could use Ki and dominion powers. mainly because if they're an organization to banish the wake, they should ban the use of all abilities that supposively come from the wake.
anyways, this is just a small little detail that seems every bizzare to me. if anyone is willing to clarify it better, I'll be happy to listen. other than that, thoughts on this are welcome.