Buying Extra Cards

By LordPasty, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

While I'm sure that I will, at some point, buy another copy of Descent, I'm wondering if there's any way to acquire extra copies of the cards for the game? I didn't see any in the store here on-line. It's a bit pricey game to buy another copy just for more cards!

I'm sure the cards are bound to get a little beat up with shuffling and all... or are they particularly resilient. What's been people's experience?

LordPasty said:

While I'm sure that I will, at some point, buy another copy of Descent, I'm wondering if there's any way to acquire extra copies of the cards for the game? I didn't see any in the store here on-line. It's a bit pricey game to buy another copy just for more cards!

I'm sure the cards are bound to get a little beat up with shuffling and all... or are they particularly resilient. What's been people's experience?

All games get beat up, buy card sleeves and dress up your cards if you a protective freak like me.

LordPasty said:

While I'm sure that I will, at some point, buy another copy of Descent, I'm wondering if there's any way to acquire extra copies of the cards for the game? I didn't see any in the store here on-line. It's a bit pricey game to buy another copy just for more cards!

I'm sure the cards are bound to get a little beat up with shuffling and all... or are they particularly resilient. What's been people's experience?

I tried to buy a new overlord deck a couple of months ago. Short answer: it isn't going to happen.

Longer answer: I emailed Fantasy Flight to see if they had components for sale, such as specific decks of cards. Thadd emailed me back and said that they will replace for free a single card or two, but no the whole deck. She also recommened that I use card protectors, which is what I started doing. I recommed the brand Dragon Shield. They are a little more pricey, but definitely worth it.

Yeah, that is the usual course of action for board game publishers. They customer service will sort you out when you are missing an item or have been shipped a damaged component for free and might provide replacements in limited number (mostly for refund of shipping costs) when you lose material or damage stuff yourself. At least this is true here in germany. Some companies even send you whole packages of miniatures once you ask for a replacement for a single fibure, not wantin to rip a bag open and have multiple minis left.

BUT: Usually you'll get in this manner only a few items, as the companies don't want to hand out all the really important items for free. In the end they want you to buy their stuff in the prepacked bundles, meaing boxes. That is sometimes inconvinient, as you have to take better care of your stuff (via protector sleeves or so). But usually once you miss a small number of stuff you should be helped out.

I have so far not used the FFG customer service, as I am situated in germany.

But I might: One of my Tomb of Ice Ice Wyrms has lost its tail while shipping to me... :(

I am a protective freak, and thanks for the advice all!!! My friends kinda looked at me weird when I suggested not shuffling the decks in the normal manner, but I'm like... 90 bucks, dude. I'll be buying the protectors, thanks again!