Thunder's Edge Rules

By gf_ripper, in Legacy Game Discussion

Is the rules for Thunder's Edge, its expansion and Battlemist available anywhere online?

I have both games, actually I wonder if ebay has the expansion to battlemist since I don't have that.

I am also looking for an information about the battle mist expansion which could allow me to recreate the game. If you find anything, I'll be very happy. There is some pictures on board game geek but it does not contain all the information I need.

I do have a copy of the game and its expansion but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to scan them; even though the game is many years out of print. As such and as others have said, your best bet is just trusting Ebay or a webstore with a lot of old stock - BGG still has a few threads on frequently asked questions as with a fair few pics for those interested in the game, but the rules themselves I don't think will be uploaded by FFG anytime soon which is a shame as its an awesome game and one IMHO that tops the older edition of Twilight Imperium by far!

Why shouldn´t you be allowed to scan the rulebook? If he owns the game and FFG won´t post the rulebook? I own TE and the expansion and gladly scan the rules for you, so you can enjoy those games ones more. Contact me, if you´re still interested.

Does anyone use miniatures for that game? If yes from which producer?