So does anyone have a MC Blog or HP I can link mine up to?

By Cyborgtrucker, in Mutant Chronicles

Nice blog. I love the idea of player designed figures. How many people are out there making their favorite MC figs? Perhaps we have enough for a fan created/produced set with cardboard stand-ups for figs?

And I don't have a blog to link up with but I will definetly be reading yours.

FFG Brian said:

And I don't have a blog to link up with but I will definetly be reading yours.

Thanks, I'm adding the link you posted to my Blog. I hope to find a translation tool so I can see what people are saying there.

copy/paste the link in a google search and click translate this page on the top search result


My personal MC website (It's not a blog).

It isn't in english but you will find some interesting items such as the "Planches d'illustrations" section which provides some collected high quality artworks for Mutant Chronicles (some from Paul Bonner an other from various illustrators). All these artworks answer to the 90s RPG standards (colorful, big guns and shoulderpads). Sadly, all the other files are french material (translated novels, comics, RPG and TTG). If you have some french basics, this will be a nice resource.

Thanks Coral! Adding it now!

I like the idea of your movie Necromutant, but honestly, I'll hardly use it. for one gold there are way more better figures, imho.
also, I try to save gold for orders (and some card), so I field as few gold figs as I can.

maybe replacing a yellow die with a red one (adding MELEE keyword) and dropping it to silver could make it more usable...

anyway, I've made a card for it:

it's a working version (the new ability should be reworded in a more clear and concise way, imho, but as I'm not native English speaker, sure I'm not the right person for the task ^^). also, still regarding the new ability, we could change it slightly: like "earn 1 time the points at kill, then get a ' kill token ' on the necromutant (instead of keeping the figure on the board) and earn point one more time once you remove the token in your starting area."

btw, nice work, and thanks for sharing.

I think the keyword "Melee" is a "must have" for the Necromutant from the movie. Two heavy melee dice are good enough.

Ok I took what Gabbi and Dominik suggested and came up with this . Let me know what you think.


I've updated the card(s).

Wording could need some tweak, so I paste Rule card text here for easier editing:

[ A figure can have only one Kill Token at a time. If a second Kill Token would be assigned to a figure that already is carrying one, controlling player can choose which one to discard.
A figure carrying a Kill Token can only move 3 hexes, no matter what.
A figure can "drop" a Kill Token inside its Starting Zone, earning VP equal to its rank, as per killing a figure of the same rank. ]

please note: it wasn't clear to me if you wanted:
1) Necromutant earn no VP when kill a figure, and double VP when drop Kill Token
2) Necromutant earn normal VP at kill, and again when drop Kill Token
3) Necromutant earn normal VP at kill, and double VP when drop Kill Token
so, I'm gone for n.2 as seemed the most balanced. let me know.

once definitive text will be decided, I'll update the card.
In the meantime I'll draw the token itselves (I was thinking in a simple skull and crossbones on bronze/silver/gold background), then put all in an Acrobat PDF file for easy download and print.

The mutant in the movie were really tough ... maybe one additional rule would be fine:

"If killed, roll a green dice, on a blank the mutant is still alive. Roll for each wound above the last hitpoint of the modell."

Something like this.

I think we should try to not overpower it. I don't say that it will be, just to think about balance.
also, in case we think it should be more tough, I wouldn't clutter its card with too much extra rules, and simply rise it life points.
I l'ke your idea of saving roll, but maybe a special rule for a figure it's enough. so, we could think to use it on another new troop. maybe at a Movie Necromutant - Bronze ?

just my 2 cents.

Great job Gabbi,

and I agree that one special rule is enough per creature. Two would bog it down definitely. Why not simply add 1 armor but decrease attack power (eg: 1 yellow + 1 red) and life by 1.

Gabbi said:


I've updated the card(s).

Wording could need some tweak, so I paste Rule card text here for easier editing:

[ A figure can have only one Kill Token at a time. If a second Kill Token would be assigned to a figure that already is carrying one, controlling player can choose which one to discard.
A figure carrying a Kill Token can only move 3 hexes, no matter what.
A figure can "drop" a Kill Token inside its Starting Zone, earning VP equal to its rank, as per killing a figure of the same rank. ]

please note: it wasn't clear to me if you wanted:
1) Necromutant earn no VP when kill a figure, and double VP when drop Kill Token
2) Necromutant earn normal VP at kill, and again when drop Kill Token
3) Necromutant earn normal VP at kill, and double VP when drop Kill Token
so, I'm gone for n.2 as seemed the most balanced. let me know.

once definitive text will be decided, I'll update the card.
In the meantime I'll draw the token itselves (I was thinking in a simple skull and crossbones on bronze/silver/gold background), then put all in an Acrobat PDF file for easy download and print.

I really like what you did there Gabbi. Also your interpretation for the Rules Card mock-up(#2). I like it because the mutant gets the points for the original kill and can choose whether to go for the extra points. Kudos on the ideas! Thanks for the collaberation and help!

I like the token idea too! I wondering if anybody had an idea. I kind of though of the same thing.

well, if someone review the text, or confirm that it's OK as is, I'll make the PDF...

OK, PDF done. it's 4.5 Mb, so I've uploaded it on Rapidshare and Megaupload.

it's @300dpi, please be careful to print wothout resizing, and it should be OK.
also, I've made two sets of counters, one with the same shape of the others, and one square, easier to cut.

let me know if some text has to be revised/changed.

That's a great looking PDF Gabbi! Thanks for all the work!

thanks for the kind words, and no need to thanks, it was fun :)

P.S. maybe you'll want to upload it on BGG too?