Dark Wings Dark Words

By Old Ben, in 2. AGoT Rules Discussion

Thomas Stark
I have 12 power on my house. I win a challenge counting 8 strength. I play Make an Example as a response to the challenge while a player has Dark Wings Dark Words out as a plot. I would assume that I am at 15 and win the game BEFORE I have to discard a power for DWDW...am I right?


Since the plot is passive, it kicks in and the power discard comes in Step 5.IV of triggering the Response. However, when the event resolved in Step 5.III, you had 15 power, so you win before you GET to Step 5.IV.

(The trick is that the plot creates an passive effect, discarding power when triggered by playing a card. If it added the power discard as a COST of playing the card, then the power discard would come before the power claim in the above scenario - and the plot would be exponentially more powerful.)