lMachine Spirit Oddities

By Kencyr2, in Rogue Trader

Has anybody come up with any new ones to add? As far as I know FFG only came up with the 10 in the core book. Even the histories have gotten some additions.

Yes I have!

Righteous Anger - Make one selection from Enemy table This ship gains +10 to all Tests made when in combat with that one Enemy. When in combat with any other enemy, the ship suffers a -5 penalty to all Tests.

Protective - Decrease all crew population losses made aboard this ship by 1 (Minimum 0). A Fire! critical hit on this vessel may not be extinguished through depressurization.

Newborn - Tech-Use tests made outside of combat gain a +10 bonus. Tech-Use tests made inside of combat suffer a -10 Penalty

Prideful - If this ship is not part of any group or fleet it gains a +5 bonus to all Tests. If it is working towards an endeavour alongside any other ship, it suffers a -5 Penatly to all Tests.

Insane - When a component becomes depressurized OR damaged, roll 1d10. On a roll of 9, it is both depressurized AND damaged. On a roll of 10, it is neither depressurized NOR damaged.

Excitable - This ship gains +1 speed, but -10 to Maneuverability

Loquacious - This ship may perform Augury actions or be detected by Augury actions at twice the normal range.

Reclusive - Any test to detect this vessel on Silent Running take a -20 penalty. Suffer a permanent -5 penalty to Morale.

Nice, shows imagination that I can't seem to come up with on my own.

Noticed you only had

Yes I have!

Righteous Anger - Make one selection from Enemy table This ship gains +10 to all Tests made when in combat with that one Enemy. When in combat with any other enemy, the ship suffers a -5 penalty to all Tests.

Protective - Decrease all crew population losses made aboard this ship by 1 (Minimum 0). A Fire! critical hit on this vessel may not be extinguished through depressurization.

Newborn - Tech-Use tests made outside of combat gain a +10 bonus. Tech-Use tests made inside of combat suffer a -10 Penalty

Prideful - If this ship is not part of any group or fleet it gains a +5 bonus to all Tests. If it is working towards an endeavour alongside any other ship, it suffers a -5 Penatly to all Tests.

Insane - When a component becomes depressurized OR damaged, roll 1d10. On a roll of 9, it is both depressurized AND damaged. On a roll of 10, it is neither depressurized NOR damaged.

Excitable - This ship gains +1 speed, but -10 to Maneuverability

Loquacious - This ship may perform Augury actions or be detected by Augury actions at twice the normal range.

Reclusive - Any test to detect this vessel on Silent Running take a -20 penalty. Suffer a permanent -5 penalty to Morale.

Noticed you created 8 additional Oddities Erathia, and I thought I would attempt to add to it to make it 10. :)

Undecided- Either being a newly created vessel or just remarkably carefree, it's normal attitude is untroubled by the perplexities of life, though sometimes curiosity does become it. Every session, hour of game play, month in game time, or however else the PC and GM decide to manage it, roll a d10 to determine the ships changing Machine Spirit Oddity. On a 1 a random PC chooses the Oddity for the vessel, on 2-8 there is no Oddity, and on 9-10 the GM chooses the Oddity secretly.

NOTE: Modifiers to Armour and Hull Integrity never apply during this effect. All other effects are temporary.

Forever Tainted – This vessel was tainted in some fashion, though it hides it very well. While aboard the ship, all crew suffer a -5 to Willpower based tests, and all repair tests get a -5. Fires are much easily controlled in this vessel, and receive a +5 to tests to extinguish. In addition, before rolling on Table 7-4: Warp Travel Encounters roll a d10. On a roll of 1, a random PC gets to choose the outcome, while a 2-10 has no effect on the table.

Hope you like them.

I actually did have two more and I have no idea why I didn't post them.

Driven - Select one type of Endeavour. This ship produces an extra 50 Achievement Points whenever it is involved in an Endeavour of that type. If it is involved in an Endeavour of any other type, it requires 50 extra Achievement Points to succeed.

Playful - Your machine spirit randomly pranks the crew. At ship creation, roll 1d5. Permanently decrease Crew Rating by that amount. However due to the crew always being on edge, gain an equivalent amount to all Initiative rolls for ship combat.

I like yours too, which means now we need three more to bring us up to a good 25, so that can go into 100 nicely.

Confused - All allied Command Tests aboard this vessel are made at a -5 penalty. All enemy Command Tests aboard this vessel are made at a -10 penalty.

Omnicidal - Increase all Crew losses by 1. Once per session, when this vessel takes Hull Integrity damage from an enemy vessel, it gains a bonus equal to the Hull Integrity damage inflicted on all Ballistic Skill Tests against that vessel until the end of your next Strategic Round.

Terrified - Whenever this ship takes a Critical Hit, one random component becomes unpowered. Increase Detection by +15.

I like Terrified. It's simply yet speaks so much volume. Great ideas Erathia. I will now add them to my google link below in a wod doc for easy access.

Nice work guys, I never thought to add onto the Oddities from the Core Rulebook. Looking forward to adding these into my own games.

Edit: I would tweak Forever Tainted to have a trouble putting out fires as the flames are fueled by the taint thus giving a -5 modifier to out out the fire. Should make it an interesting for the crew.

Edited by MagosSteel

did anyone ever post a master list ?