I have a client that told me to paint his axis force however I want. I would like to paint the troops and tanks in historical German colors/camo. In looking at Dust pics online and everything is painted with snow colors/camo. Is there a reason for this?
Why the winter camouflage?
The orginal Core Set and other scenarios took place in the North, and the terrain tiles were all "snow".
Later scenarios had fighting in northern Russia, so the long coats and winter camo were appropriate.
More recent sevarios have them moving off the cold climate scenarios, and the "studio paint jobs" on several squads have been standard camo and even some Pacific Theatre looking schemes.
As for the artistic origin of the winter camo stuff, I believe that the orginlal "plot" for teh Dust universe was one of nuclear winter, where every thing was covered in Dust. And, of course, no sunlight=cold cliamte everywhere.
Cool. Thanks for the reply.
so it would be fine to paint the infantry in camo ponchos like the Waffen SS I. WW2?
I don't see it as a problem, I guess.
Since the game takes place in an alternate timeline and in the late forties after WWII, there is no historical accuracy concerns one way or the other.
Since the Germans are expressly not Nazis, an SS insignia or whatnot would be certainly out of place, but oterwise it is whatever looks pragmatic or cool.
If you (or your client if you are painting for someone else) want the "Official" paint schemes, you can just replicate them from the Dust Studios website, but there are changes I too have made here and there.
I often want similar squads to be distingusable on the table easily, so vary many of the German uniforms jump between Vallejo "German Gray", the Vallejo "German Uniform," and the Vallejo German "Field Gray", even though the colors were not iall being made at the same time.
I have not tried any of the patterns like Sumpfmuster, Pea dot, Oakleaf, or the like, not just out of laziness, but beacuse I like the Axis in the darker, cool colors to contrast the Allies.
If they all end up with similar colors it may be less clear while "in game," but then again it may look silly that the Axis have not learned proper camoflage.