New Player with a "Help! Here is what I got" thread

By MJWaters84, in 4. AGoT Deck Construction

So, I am looking to get more people on board and trying to start an AGOT league at my FLGS. I am looking to build two decks (Preferabally Lannister and Starke as they were the sleeves that I bought) for the purposes of demoing in the store. I scraped some funds together and came back with:

2x Core Sets

1x Kings of the Sea

1x Princes of the Sun

1x. Change of Seasons

1x Calling of the Banners

1x Epic Battles

1x Battle of Ruby Ford

1x War of the Five Kings

So, I realize that this is pretty limited, but I wanted to have something more than just the decks out of the starter box. However, I am new to this, and I want two make sure I am building decks that can compete with one another on a casual playing field. Any help you guys can give me is much appreciated, and I look forward to your replies.

Added Lords of Winter to my collection. Still looking for help… Thanks in advance.

For demos, i'd stick just to core set. My friends and i got tons of play out of the core sets. Less confusing. Lets a player get fundamentals and timing structures and response windows etc down without being flooded with too many traits, keywords and so on. Also it allows them to familiarize themselves with many cards that they'll see played or use yourself later on. To this day i still have lots of fun doing demos straight out of box.