Increased ReaverCapacity

By Lüuna2, in StarCraft


yesterday a question came up, when thinking about using the "Increased Reaver Capacity" (I hope these cards are called something like that in englisch ;) ) cards for other units than the reaver.

The card says:

After executing this card, i have to put it back to the technology-cards. (I don't know the real english card text :( )

Does this also count, when using them for other Units, or only , when using them for the Reaver himself?

Maybe someone can write down the original english card text? - Would be nice :)




When you are using the card for another unit, you are not (can not) executing the ability on the card, you are only using the minor combat values, therefore it goes to the discard pile when used by another unit than the reaver.

I think, it's the same with the "Increased CarrierCapacity", isn't it?

OK, thank you :)

Yes, it is.


Good question!

Luuna said:

Maybe someone can write down the original english card text? - Would be nice :)

It says, return to your technology deck after use And Increase Reaver/Carrier Capacity is right too. Nuke has that same rule too.

I agree with avar1ce because you may only use the text on the card if it matches your front-line unit. So if you use those cards for other units you put it in your discard pile. It sounds fair to me.