This year, in defending my Regionals title, I decided once again to set myself a challenge. In 2012 it was to be one of the first ever to use Ancient Ones in a Shub / Yog competitive deck, and most of you know where that led to. In an about face, and sadly shunning the now popular AO’s, the new test of my mettle was to build an all human faction deck that could hopefully outlast the big nasties. I’m certainly not making the same mistake last year and please note that this is definitely not the deck I will take to Nationals if I make it there ( you will notice that I’ve been keeping my fat trap shut this year ). So, in moving along, I outlined these restrictions:
1 – To have no AO factions
2 – To prove that most were wrong, in that Agency is NOT dead.
And so I give to you the winning deck of the 2013 Victorian Regional ( we got 8 players this year, but that’s double what we had last year !! )
Characters ( 32 )
3 x Lodge Neophyte
3 x Repo Man
3 x Undercover Security
3 x Keeper of the Silver Sphere
3 x Protector of Secrets
3 x *Marshall Greene
2 x *Mya Badry
2 x *Amaranth
2 x *Descendent of Eibon
2 x Knight of the Outer Void
3 x *Lord Jeffrey Farrington
3 x Master of the Myths
Events ( 15 )
3 x Steal the Soul
2 x Working a Hunch
2 x Flanking Maneuver
3 x Flush Them Out
2 x Reckless Assault
3 x Shotgun Blast
Conspiracies ( 3 )
3 x Shadow War
Basically it’s a rather aggressive Willpower and Combat Icon fest with a fair splash of Arcane and Investigation as well. I beefed it up with some of the higher cost events to tackle the bigger and meaner Terror decks, as Reckless Assault does wonders for ridding the table for a turn of AO’s like Y’Golonac and Nyarlathotep ( and with help from Steal the Soul / Working a Hunch can return anything ), and I also included the mean little trick of Flushing a bunch of Characters committed on the opponents turn into Shadow War, where they were ripe for the massacre. Winning this story also demolished most AO decks with the triggered effect of wounding all the Cultist, Monster and Servitor Characters the opponent had ( bye bye Dark Youngs and Ghouls ). YIPPEE!! Also Repo Man coupled with the 3 Combat struggles sometimes swagged me a fair collection of the opponents Supports. Of course it has already been made obsolete by the Key and the Gate, and I don’t think it would fare very well in the future as it was mainly built to defeat Shub, but I suppose that’s what building decks is all about ( well for me anyway ), and that is coming up with new and interesting ways to combat the meta monkeys and their pizdets decks. You can always count on that !
NOTE : This year, due to very poor planning by the organisers, the 'Victorian Regional' was an unnofficial event. On the proscribed date it was revealed that the prizes had not arrived, and that if we couldn't manage 10 players then the official Regional would be cancelled, wasting the trip for any involved. Thus the gaming group boycotted the event and advertised our 'new' date and setting and it was 'held' 2 weeks after, with my playmat from last years Regional up for grabs ( which thankfully I held onto - haha ).