Drop pods in activated area?

By Abaddongr, in Horus Heresy


Is it possible to execute a Drop Pod in an area that is allready activated?If so ,can i execute 2 Drop Pods continuously in the same area?I guess that the same rules apply to Port Landings too.

My opinion is :

Rule says : "…..units from an unactivated area may move into a previously activated area."

I wonder if my stockpile is consider an "area" cause i cant interact with it?

I would really appreciate an answer from a moderator cause we need a "legit" answer and get over it.

It is really pity to argue with my friend about this and ruin the fun.

Thank you in advance for your time and im looking forward your reply.

well this is a common question for starters and possibly from the emperor fans.you cant do port landing/droppods in an already activated area, so also 2-3 times in the same iteration.that's why you have to be very careful when u execute these cards (especially the droppods).but this doesnt mean that you cant do port landing and activate an area an then do a droppods in an adjacent area so to reinforce your spaceport in the next refresh.it is not very common to lose an airport in just one battle or even with no losses from the emperor so no need to worry about that so much (i mean that you cant do douple port/pods in an activated area).so as far as i am concerned according to the movement rules you can only move units fron an unactivated area to an already activated area (ignoring the marker that you have to place) and your stockpile isnt conciidered to be such an area.hope to be helpful

eioleg said:

you cant do port landing/droppods in an already activated area, so also 2-3 times in the same iteration.that's why you have to be very careful when u execute these cards (especially the droppods).but this doesnt mean that you cant do port landing and activate an area an then do a droppods in an adjacent area so to reinforce your spaceport in the next refresh.

Sorry, but that's incorrect and was covered over on BGG as well, but just to reiterate:

"It is important to note that a player may order units in a

way that would cause them to end up in an area containing
one of that player’s activation markers, as long as they do
not start out in an activated area. For example, units from
an unactivated area may move into a previously activated
area. This is even the case when such an order would cause
an activation marker to be placed in an area that already
has an activation marker belonging to that player. If an
order would cause a second activation marker of the same
type – Imperial or Traitor – to be placed in an area that
already has one, this direction is ignored." (p. 21)
First sentence right away gives it away.

yes that's my point also.the rules say that you can move units from an unactivated area to an already activated area.your stockpile iss not an unactivated area as far as i am concerned.otherwise is there any possibility that you can activate it after your move?areas can be both activated or unactivated.stockpile cant be either.the only way that you can do portlanding in an unactivated area is if you execute one from the vengful spirit and bring horus down.otherwise you cant

Thank both for your responces !

eioleg said:

.the only way that you can do portlanding in an unactivated area is if you execute one from the vengful spirit and bring horus down.otherwise you cant

I think you wanted to say something else here. Forgive me if i understand wrong but you are saying that the only way to do port landing is from VS?

sorry if i was misunderstood.i mean PL in an already activated airport

eioleg said:

yes that's my point also.the rules say that you can move units from an unactivated area to an already activated area.your stockpile iss not an unactivated area as far as i am concerned.otherwise is there any possibility that you can activate it after your move?areas can be both activated or unactivated.stockpile cant be either.the only way that you can do portlanding in an unactivated area is if you execute one from the vengful spirit and bring horus down.otherwise you cant

But you don't activate the origin area for PL, so it doesn't matter if stockpile can or cannot become activated. Stockpile isn't an activated area when you trigger PL, hence legal to double up on PL from stockpile into same area IMO.