I say that Amazon has a release date of June 14th for Unseen Forces. Just a week or so and it will be mine!
Elder Sign Unseen Forces Release Date
Hope FFG delivers. I'm not holding my breath, considering they haven't moved UF into the "shipping now" category (and they've moved several items into that category recently). It would be a pleasant surprise, but I'm betting on 6/21 or later.
Yeah, they ship when they ship. Wish their command would realize that they've about reached the limits of wringing productivity out of their small staff and expand to include perhaps two more editors and commensurate art, layout, and production staffers. Maybe then they could get their products out in a more timely fashion, instead of whenever their puny staff can manage it.
Turgul01 said:
I say that Amazon has a release date of June 14th for Unseen Forces. Just a week or so and it will be mine!
Amazon almost universally makes up its release dates for most RPG related stuff, so trusting them on board games is equally silly.
It'll be out when FFG say it's out.
The online company I order from also had June 14th as the release date, but now it's been bumped to June 24. FFG has moved it to 'shipping now' status with an expected date of June 21, so retailers getting it on June 24 seems about right. I think we can expect it soon, but not as soon as we wanted….
I received a shipping notice yesterday, so it is on its way!!!
Unseen Forces has arrived. THe box wil fit inside the Elder Sign box, that is nice. Everything looks great. The eigt replaced cards fit nicely under the UF box insert. All in all it looks to be a great addition.
Ordered yesterday … now the loooonnnnnngggg wait!
Why is there 24hrs in a day, whyyyyyyyy!
Walts (… always waiting for something! )
It will be worth it. It has replacement cards for three characters from the original set (I did not notice any differences to the three characters in teh revised set). I messed around a bit yesterday, the blessed cursed dice have an effect.
Played my first game with the expansion yesterday and found the new stuff added fun and challenge to the game. Used only new investigaters and adventure cards, the mythos deck was mixed. The new mythos insight (mythos cards) are quite interesting (gives you a choice between 2 effects), many times the choice isn't straightforward (have to choose the lesser of two evils). Some of the investigater's abilities don't seem as good as some of the basic game ones, and some seem quite good (the handyman and the musician for example). Overall, a good mix of new abilities. The new entryway cards are a good change with the addition of the chapel (being able to buy blessings) and the possibility of one or more becoming closed for the game. Like the new monsters, some are quite challenging. To balance the removal of being able to purchase elder signs (made the game too easy at times), they changed the rewards on some of the other worlds cards (some had you adding a doom counter if you completed the adventure, changed to removing a doom counter instead). Very positvie overall, highly recommend the new expansion. Can't wait for the next one.
Great addition. Previously we haven't lost a game. This time it didn't even take three midnights to get the whole party devoured.