I have dust and haven't had a chance to play it yet. How is the game? Also which rule book should I got with, which is more fun?
How is the game and which rules should I go by?
samoan said:
I have dust and haven't had a chance to play it yet. How is the game? Also which rule book should I got with, which is more fun?
Primo: The game is great. After a while you will see that the rules aren't that complicated. The hardest and longest part is to plan you turn with such limited possibilities (the cards).
Secundo: Try them both mate. The Premium version is much shorter and you get to fight the other players from the 1st turn. Epic version takes much more time (like 1-2h atop the normal 2-3 needed for Premium). I prefer Premium caus it's faster but if you like to spend more time and got a nice group then maybe Epic will be your choice. Still first test them both
Thanks, I will read both rule books I guess then and maybe start with the shorter version first so players can get a hang of it then do epic.