New supplement is on its way, looks like Rogue Traders are going to explore the religious side of buisness, maybe even a little private crusade here and there.
New supplement is on its way, looks like Rogue Traders are going to explore the religious side of buisness, maybe even a little private crusade here and there.
I'm trying to not get too excited about the "Coin" part of the "Faith and Coin" title as the description doesn't quite sound what I thought it was at first. That being said, sounds like it might be interesting. Particularly the bits about running endeavours backed by the Imperial Church.
Welp, I'm super excited! It's a nice transition from colonizing worlds of your own to converting heathens… one way or the other.
Not exactly. Cybernetic Eye on the wrong side and different cables about the head. But, yeah, the style is quite similar.
Also, YAAY, new book!
eBarbarossa said:
Not exactly. Cybernetic Eye on the wrong side and different cables about the head. But, yeah, the style is quite similar.
No Arbitrator that couldn't have been me who robbed the Saint's crypt .As you can see I have a totally different cybernetic eye.
Erathia said:
eBarbarossa said:
Not exactly. Cybernetic Eye on the wrong side and different cables about the head. But, yeah, the style is quite similar.
No Arbitrator that couldn't have been me who robbed the Saint's crypt .As you can see I have a totally different cybernetic eye.
Arbiter : "You are under arrest conserning multiple breaking of local Ecclesiarchal sites:"
Cleric : "No, It wasn't me it was the one armed man!"
Arbiter : "Your other arm is Cybernetic, and you are fitting the description we got from local precinct."
Cleric : "Ok I confess, but what are they going to do to me. What are they going to do!"
Sorry just couldn't keep "Mask" reference out.
Routa-maa said:
The guy brandising his Ecclesiarchal staff in the end of publishing news. I'm sure I have seen him before or at least someone quite similar.
OH now I remember he looks like the guy crapping fistfull off gold in the the Tome of Excess. So thats where the Coin in "Faith and Coin" comes.
Clearly they're twins seperated at birth. =P
That's great news!
I couldn't resist to make a little wishlist.
1. Ship components: archeo tech shrine-temples and such.
2. Lots of flamers.
3. At least a side bar about Sisters of Battle.
4. Some tips on what does it take to become a imperial saint rulewise.
5. Alternative ground battle rules; nobody buys Battlefleet Korunus for those anyway. Auto-temple as a combat unit;)
6. In deepth info about ecclesiarchy and: navigators, Ad-Mech and astropaths.
This looks exciting. I can't seem to find the link to preorder on though...
I'm hoping theres some kind of rules similar to the colony leaders rules on leaving a missionary somewhere to teach/learn the culture
I'm always excited about new books but I think I will leave this one to be bought after I read a few reviews... my NPC's don't seem all to concerned about the Imperial Creed.
I'm always excited about new books but I think I will leave this one to be bought after I read a few reviews... my NPC's don't seem all to concerned about the Imperial Creed.
That's why I'd love to read this book. Just because NPCs don't care about the Imperial Creed - and in the Koronus Expanse this is a perfectly reasonable attitude - this doesn't mean that the Imperial Creed doesn't care* about them.
Does anyone know when the Release Date for this book would be? Or if they need a group to Beta Test any of the materials in it?
* Care defined as caring about how much promethium is needed to cleanse their sins.
Just because NPCs don't care about the Imperial Creed - and in the Koronus Expanse this is a perfectly reasonable attitude - this doesn't mean that the Imperial Creed doesn't care* about them.
This reminds me of a WD article I've recently read ...
"Aliens can also be sanctioned as heretics - that the creed against which they transgress is not their own is of no account. Nevermore so is this true than of the alien who chances his army against the Emperor's Will by inciting rebellion, subverting the will of Imperial subjects or invading by force. Genesis matters naught - all heretics are damned, and all must be purged with fire, lest their apostasy gather a following."
Still curious to see what the Coin side of the equation is about. Will we have rules for dabbing our fingers into the church's coffers?
If I'd hazard a guess it'd be more like the coffers of the pilgrims.
Microscopic Shard of the Golden Throne in a Glass Vial, suspended in holy water - only 100 Thrones!
Really? Because this looks a lot like an eight-throne guard standard-issue water flask....look, it's got "Property of the Departmento Munitorium" stamped on the side....
Something akin to the 'instant religious riots' talent in ascension would be quite funny, too. After all, the Dynasty's house guard is only here to help stabilize the situation.
Yes, it is odd how many important political figures keep getting hit in the crossfire, isn't it?
I wonder if there'll be any good stuff for the 'ole Admech in there.
Still, I think it's nice that missionaries are finally getting their own book. They seemed the least-loved of the classes from what I've seen.
Technically*, the Cult Mechanicus is a religion just like the Imperial Cult - I think this occasionally tends to be forgotten by a lot of people who focus merely on the interaction between Tech-Priest and the machines they build/maintain, but the Adeptus Mechanicus has its own churches and clerical edicts, its own witch hunts, and its own internecine religious conflicts.
They would have a place in a book about faith .. but due to the above impression of mine I would not necessarily expect it. Perhaps some day there will be a book about the AdMech specifically? Granted, it may not play as big a role "out there" (-> Rogue Trader) as the Ecclesiarchy's ongoing mission to rediscover and proselityse lost human colonies, but Mars has its own Explorator fleets and constantly searches for lostech and STCs. I believe the potential is there.
[edit] *: pun not intended, but suitable
I always did have a soft spot for the explorator fleets. As with deathwatch techmarines, they have an almost in-built excuse for being oddballs compared to the stereotypical adeptus mechanicus; their relationship to mars is about the same as Indiana Jones' relationship to the smithsonian...
But I'd rather have that as a seperate book
What would be interesting is if the 'coin' bit means this is also the Seneschal sourcebook, in the same way Navis Primer was both the Navigator and Astropath book.