Quick Question

By player1939150, in Runewars

I've searched this forum and haven't found the answer to this oneā€¦

If one of my areas contains a stronghold and I have activated that area (i.e. it contains a friendly activation token), and in a subsequent season I recruit into that stronghold, may those troops leave the area before the next spring? They were recruited into the area that already contained an activation token, they were not moved into the location when it was activated.


Unfortunately, those units would be stuck in the area until next spring (or rather: until the activation token was removed, as there are tactics cards to do that as well). For this rule it does not matter whether the units were entering the area as the token was placed, the rule is "units cannot start their movement out of an area containing one of their activation tokens". The same would go for reanimates created during battle, or if an opponent used a tactics card to place one of your activation tokens in an area containing your units.

I hope that clarified some :)

Helps alot. Thanks.