Dragonbone Bow and Tyrion Lannister Participating in Challenges

By GBPackFan412, in A Game of Thrones: The Board Game

With Dragonbone Bow, if you kneel the attached character to have them participate in the current military challenge, for example, if the attached character doesn't have a military icon can they still participate or must they have that icon to particpate?

Same thing with Tyrion. Can a knelt clansman participate in a power challenge, for example, on the same side as Tyrion if the knelt clansman doesn't have a power icon?

Then also are the keywords in play from knelt clansman as well if they can participate in the challenge? Deadly, Renown, Stealth, etc.

Wrong forum, good ser -- you need to post this in the LCG Forum (not the Boardgame).