Dark Pharaoh Glitch

By YSanjuro, in Elder Sign

Anyone else having this problem on the Google-Nexus 7 App version of the game?

Winning the final battle without any of the investigators dying, unlocking the Dreamer, playing a few games with the Dreamer, and now he is locked again?

And that has happened twice!

(Also he appears to not unlock if one of the investigators died. That seems reasonable compared to the parameters for the other two expansions.)

I cannot get enough of this game as a tool for chronocide. More expansions, even if they did not include more investigators, would be great news.

Yes! I am having the exact same problem on my iPad. It's totally frustrating - I love the campaign, it's really hard.

which makes it WORSE when I win, unlock Luke, and lose him later.

for me it happens when I turn off the game, then turn it back on later.

Same thing happened to me, although I did lose 1 investigator in the battle. I think Pharaoh was designed to be in the middle of the 3 campaigns in terms of difficulty- probably harder than Cthulhu (at least, until you figure out how essential the allies are), but easier than Ithaqua (which I still haven't beaten 'perfectly' after about 20-25 tries). I won Pharaoh on my 2nd try, but haven't been able to beat it again. The Black Daemon is nasty!

Guys, ES: Omens forums are here.