This card is ridiculously overpowered. In addition it's quite boring as there is little strategic impact on the game other than Humans have to go for stars and team upgrades… I feel that much like most of the similar cards that were removes from the playing deck with the FAQ this one should also have been removed (I guess no can due to keep upgrade decks the same size). My quick fix in my playgroup is this: Change text so that you only gain two fans per Reikland Reiver Star player, none for other stars. This at least makes the coach have to decide during the game between goibg for RR stars or maybe pick another one which might have been better from another team… also you now get about 4 fans (but potentially more, or less…) from the card which is more on par with similar cards. Just my two cents.
Publicity Stunts
I'd agree that its a strong upgrade, but I wouldn't say its overpowered. There's plenty of cards that gain you fans, including some better ones (like Warpstone Souvenirs). You have to get it early to get mileage out of it, and you then have to draw matches with Star Players as prizes.
I think the upgrade is undeniably one part of what makes humans one of the strongest teams, but I don't think humans are so much overpowered, more just top tier (along with Skaven, Undead and possibly Dark Elves).
If we're looking to balance the teams better, it would take a lot more changes than changing this card, I think. Probably deep structural changes about how the game works…