scariest accidental characters you've had to play with

By antijoke_13, in Rogue Trader

anyone had a characer that just came out as ridiculously OP, even though you never meant for it to be that way? I ended up running a character that at rank 2 was capable of taking on space marines and winning. some lucky (or unlucky, take your pick) ended in me rolling ravaged body with my mutation, and then getting Hulking, Brute, Feels No Pain, Hideous strength, and Wyrd. over the course of the early game, he ended up becoming a Reaver, and now he just doesn't care about anything anymore. the rest of the group has tried killing me, but it's never worked out quite the way they wanted it to. hell, i'm playing him, and he scares me.

so who else has rn an accidental OP character?

I'm our groups GM, and I have one player who seems to be naturally create accidental scary characters regardless of the system or setting.

In DH she made a mortit simply because it sounded cool, and ended up with a 10K exp assassin that was perfectly able to deal with hordes of khornate deamons on her own.

In Warhammer 2nd ed she made a hedge witch - and is now brining down regiments of troops

And the final example comes from a RT campaign at the start of this year, she made an assassin - specifically an archmilitant sniper - which along with the rest of the players I through into the Badab War.

Short version is by the time the campaign ended (around 12k exp) her sniper had managed to take out three bloodthirsters in hand to hand combat and been recruited by the inquisition.



PS actually her scariest character was in the Cthulhutech game system - but we don't talk about it any more, a 19 year old girl putting a 60 ton mech into orbit with her mind was a little too traumatic

Some careers in the FFG 40K systems are just naturally powerful at the start - Navigators come to mind here. So there is little I can do as a GM when someone chooses to play one, especially since having one is pretty awesome for the crew.

As for high starting characteristic. I have a general rule, if the total rolls go over 120 (i.e. the added total of all 9 2d10 rolls), I look closely at the finished numbers. If it looks fishy, I make them reroll. Yes, I'm an ass for doing that sometimes because it may be legit, but whatever.

Nothing is more annoying to the rest of the group than someone that clearly fudged their numbers just to be powerful.

A Explorator in one of my groups got 2 mutations from messing around with Warp eels - both increased his strength terribly.

Putting it together with a custom built Power Armor (as he hulking naturally after the mutations) his strength now is 95!!
(later, he got Muscle graft for Unnatural Strength)

Anyhow, I like his roleplay because he is still very AdMech-like, and after the mutation he became very interested in becoming a Genetor.