Yeah I know. Bad of me right? BUT its almost relevant because there is in fact two demo decks of UFS with the liscencing of the demo decks being that of Warhammer Online! OMG right? and stuff...
But Warhammer Online is now offering a demo of all of their Tier 1 content. Check out the fairest, rewarding (OMG you GET stuff for killing other players?!?) and most intense PvP capable MMORPG I've ever experienced. Yeah, there's ganking, but it feels... fairer somehow (thanks to the stat buff when you tread in to PvP areas).
Oh and the game has some interesting PvE content and twists on PvE worth checking out... (public quests).
I won't link the URL here, as that'd be like blatant advertising and I don't want to go there ya know?
In other news, any one else know of some solid PvP capable and rewarding MMOs for me to try out to compare WAR to? I'm becoming a bit of an MMO connoisseur ...