Novice help

By BlackAngel17, in StarCraft

I need some newbie help,

So …. We have this game from 2 days ago, yesterday I spend 5 hours …to learn how to play L ….and …I still have basic questions, so first co clarify some of my problems:

  1. Event cards, they can be played when ?, on the end of regrouping faze? example:

I have one defensive strategy card, and one offensive, if I don’t play can I keep them for use in the next turn?, if I use defensive card, I must reshuffle the other one ?

And …that battle …**** it’s so **** hard to understand ..

Do you know a site, a forum where I can read some example of a battle?

During the Regrouping Phase there is a point that states "play strategy card" or something: after retreive workers and before winning conditions. Here you MUST play exactly one of your cards (if you have at least one) and discard the others.

Also remember that you may not look at the cards you have before this point. You get them face down, you keep them face down until you are allowed to play one.