Hi,I'am a bit confused about this topic and I hope you will help me. At page 15 of the rulebook it's said that a vanquished/corrupted player Discards all of his Power cards and Trophies (step n.1 ) but in the sentences after the steps it's written that "The player keeps all others cards and tokens. Any characters tokens on the game board, assets or Power cards remain". What's the right thing to do?
Power cards and Vanquished/Corrupted player
Roy68 said:
Hi,I'am a bit confused about this topic and I hope you will help me. At page 15 of the rulebook it's said that a vanquished/corrupted player Discards all of his Power cards and Trophies (step n.1 ) but in the sentences after the steps it's written that "The player keeps all others cards and tokens. Any characters tokens on the game board, assets or Power cards remain". What's the right thing to do?
I believe it was a typo. When you are vanquished, you discard your power cards and your trophy. However, your assets/ally or mission cards stay with you.
Think of it as all your gear and followers stay with you whilst you are "rejuvenated" and your missions remain the same, but all of your powers and trophies you earn through combat are lost because you had to be re-birthed.
I hope that clarifies things.