Hi everyone,
I love WHI and it is my first foray into card gaming (I am aware of Magic and a few other CCGs but have never played or collected them).
As I really enjoy it and see it as a great game I am trying to pursuade more of my friends to pick it up and start playing, however they start asking a few questions that i struggle to answer.
When trying to describe it to a few of my friends they ask me to describe the traits or benefits/drawbacks of playing certain races but I am no expert with the game or races and cant seem to find anything suitable online or in the rules etc.
I am curious myself as I would love to furthur my undestanding of each race.
So I am after advice from more senior/veteran players who could probably help me with this.
Maybe if you helpful people can describe eaqch race with something like this it would be easy for me to understand and relay to my friends
Primary trait: All about attacking
Cecondary trait (if such a thing): Can be decent defenders But etc etc
Benefits: blah blah blah
Drawbacks: blah blah blah
Or something similar to the above if anyone understands what I am after
Thanks very much.