Dedication To One's Current Speciality from Hammer Of The Emperor.

By Darck Child, in Only War Rules Questions

So on p.53 of Hammer Of The Emperor there is this option to Dedicate Oneself to Their Current Specialty, would this include the Advanced Specialty?

For example: character started off as a weapon specialist, at the first milestone switches to Sharpshooter. Same character reaches 2nd milestone can he/she take sharpshooter again?

Would the same apply for a character taking a 2nd milestone after switching to another specialty class? For example: Medic switches to Heavy Weapons at first Milestone, then takes heavy weapons again at the second milestone?

Anyone have any thoughts on this?

Sure. This is the "keep on doing what I'm good at" option, whether you keep on being a sergeant, or a breacher shouldn't matter.

Thanks HappyDaze. Tha's what I was thinking but I wasn't sure.

i also employ this for the support classes too, seems a bit unfair to give it just to standard guardsman
the advanced classes though are only for huardsman ofcourse