Magic Imbalance. Counterattacks stopping Active Actions.

By guest461286, in Anima: Beyond Fantasy RPG

Still reading the book and I have some minor questions.

1)How does Imbalance works in magic? At character creation if I make a Wizard and I develop his Magic Projection can I at that point just say that I want his Magic Projection ability to have +20 in offensive spells and -20 in defensive spells or do I nned some sort of special module to buy with Development points?

In page 111 in the core book under the Magic projection Imbalance it states that "The only way to achoeve an offensive Imbalance is to develop the ability by investing DP directly, and not through anyone of the Mystical Modules" What does that mean?

2)I have 3 attacks in my turn.I execute the first but the defender dodges succesfully and he counterattacks and hits me.After that do I lose my remaining two attacks(and all my other Active actions)?

Thanks for the support!

Magic imbalance is pretty straight forward. By "investing development points directly" the game means at a 1 to 1 ratio. So if (using the example in the book) you purchase a magic projection of 60 (which costs you 120 DP as a wizard/warlock) then want to do a 10 point offensive imbalance you would spend another 10 DP and end up with 70 projection in offense and 50 in defense. You can only have a maximum imbalance of 30 points in either direction and can spend 10 points per level to either further imbalance yourself (still to max of 30, that is to say in this case 90 offensive and 30 defensive) or move back toward equal offense/defense.

As for additional attacks and counterattacks, losing the right to active actions also removes your right to attack regardless of when it happens. In your example, if you make your first of three attacks and roll lower than the defender and recieve a counterattack, you roll defense as normal. If you end up "on the defensive" (the counterattack beats out your defense) you lose the rest of your attacks for the round even if the counter didn't actually do damage but fell in the blank area of the combat table.

I hope that answered your questions.

Yes, thank you!

CyrusRangue said:

Magic imbalance is pretty straight forward. By "investing development points directly" the game means at a 1 to 1 ratio. So if (using the example in the book) you purchase a magic projection of 60 (which costs you 120 DP as a wizard/warlock) then want to do a 10 point offensive imbalance you would spend another 10 DP and end up with 70 projection in offense and 50 in defense. You can only have a maximum imbalance of 30 points in either direction and can spend 10 points per level to either further imbalance yourself (still to max of 30, that is to say in this case 90 offensive and 30 defensive) or move back toward equal offense/defense.
This is completely wrong. You do not spend DP to buy the Imbalance and you do spent DP to purchase Offensive and Defensive Projection separately.
At character creation, you spend DP to purchase your Projection ability, not Offensive Projection, not Defensive Projection, just Magic Projection, and the cost is determined based on your class. Once you have purchased the Projection you want, you can then decide to have an Imbalance, of no more than 30 in either Offensive or Defensive. This costs nothing, it is just a choice.
Eg, a Magic Projection of 60 with a 15 Offensive Imbalance would allow you to use an Offensive Projection of 75 and a Defensive Projection of 45.
a Magic Projection of 50 with a 10 Defensive Imbalance would allow you to use an Offensive Projection of 40 and a Defensive Projection of 60.
Once you start playing with that character, if you feel that the Imbalance is not right for how your character is developing then you can change the Imbalance by up to 10 points, towards either Offensive or Defensive. Again this is free, it is simply a choice.
Eg. You have a 15 Offensive Imbalance at character creation, when you next level up, you can chose to increase to towards Offensive more, up to a 25 Offensive Imbalance, or you can chose to change it towards Defensive or No Imbalance, up to 5 Offensive Imbalance. The next time you level you can again increase it either towards Offensive or Defensive by up to another 10 points.
You can never, NEVER, have an Imbalance of greater than 30 points in either Offensive or Defensive. And you can only use Imbalance if you have developed your Magic Projection using DP. You cannot, repeat CANNOT, use it if you have gained any Magic Projection from Modules.

Thanks for the correction Black-Fox, having gone back and reread the part about how the imbalance is created I agree that the reference to investing DP directly does just refer to buying the Magic Projection ability normally (as in not buying either Mystic Module). I didn't mean for my previous post to sound like offensive and defensive projection were bought seperately just that the imbalance was, which is not correct. Sorry for the confusion MoonShadow.

No problem CyrusRangue! I appreciate your inclination to help!