Just looking for comments, any suggestions are appreciated. The goal is to make recovery of ancient ships more significant than simply not having to acquire it with the acquisition rules or looting any remaining components for your current flagship. In my opinion, a recovered and fully repaired archeotech ship should be about twice as powerful as a non-archeotech ship.
Dark Designs – Archotech Hull Types
Fluff: The warships of mankind's ancient past are the truest horrors of the battlefield, able emerge victorious from battles with xeno fleets of similar ships. The primary reason the emperor directed mankind towards modern ship designs, was to limit the damage we could do to ourselves when we inevitably fought one another. The best modern ships would need to outnumber one of these archeotech monstrosities at least two-to-one to stand a chance. Even then, the modern fleet must be directed by superior captains and gunners, and the ancient ships had their own ways of compensating for the limits of merely average leaders.
Crunch: The book Stars of Inequity has inspired me to new thoughts concerning truly ancient ships from mankind's past. My intent with these rules to to make true archeotech ships that are roughly equivalent to two ships of similar class. To do this, I've created a new category to add to each full entry on table 2-31, on page 86 of Stars of Inequity, and modifications based on on craftsmanship as well.
Ship Hull modifications based on results from Table 2-31
Imposing – Hull: Use ship component rules (no change necessary)
Compact – Hull: This ship isn't really smaller, however its internal structure is much more efficient, making more space for other components. Increase the ships available space by 10, and all components added with a space requirement of two or greater have their space requirements lowered by one. This bonus does not stack with the space reduction from good or best craftsmanship installation of the component.
Steady – Hull: This ship's basic systems are vastly superior to modern systems. Increase the hull's detection and maneuverability by +10. Additionally, any tech-use tests made to affect the ship durign combat receive a +5 bonus.
Potent – Hull: This terrifying ship has power to spare. In addition to increasing the power generated by it's plasma drive by 10, any unused power may be directed towards any installed lance weapons, or other energy based weapons. Each two points of power directed towards weapons increase their damage by one. This does not stack with any damage boost a weapon may already have due to effects from table 2-31 that the individual weapons may already have.
Swirling Energy – Hull: This ship has energy to spare, and is constantly storing any unused energy in the thousands of capacitors place in any open space around the ship, including charging the hull. Any components added to this ship with a power requirement of two or higher have their power requirements reduced by one. This effect does not stack with any power requirement reductions from installation quality. Additionally, once per strategic turn, the ship's shields may be increased by one. This shield increase even functions on a ship with no shields.
Incalculable Precision – Hull: This ship's system are more finely turned than is possible to reproduce in modern times. The range of the ship's auger arrays, lances and macrobatteries is doubled. Targeting objects beyond the newly doubled range incurs a -20 penalty on detection or BS rolls, and weapon damage is reduced to 1d10, or 1d10-2 if the weapon's maximum damage is already 10 or less.
Indestructible – Hull: It is not possible to truly destroy a ship with this quality. Critical hits that cause a plasma explosion or warp breach are reduced to considering the ship to be hulked. Regardless of the damage such a ship suffers, a hulked indestructible ship's hull cannot be damaged enough to make the hull itself non-recoverable. Additionally, indestructible ships have their armor increase by three, and any test made to put out fires or repair damaged or depressurized components are automatically successful.
Multiple Blessings – Hull: Roll again on the rare blessings table below, and again on table 2-31, treating another result of Multiple Blessings as a result of Imposing.
1 to 2: Powerful shields – The hull has best quality overload shield capacitors already installed and they cannot be removed. These capacitors can restore shields twice per combat, instead of once per combat.
3 to 4: Torpedo Specialist – The ship has an extra prow slot with an archeotech torpedo launcher preinstalled. This does not require any additional space, but does require power. If the ship is not a cruise or larger warship, then the torpedo launcher has half the normal capacity.
5 to 6: Colony ship – This ship was designed not only as a warship, but to carry passengers and cargo to either populate existing colonies or create new ones. This ship has two additional main cargo holds and luxury passenger quarters (or one main hold for raiders and frigates). These components do not require additional space, however, power must be provided. Additionally, as a hybrid ship, it can mount transport components in addition to components it can normally mount. If a component is available for the base hull type and transports, use the one that requires more space. (Roll again if the hull in question is a transport. Keep rolling until a different result is rolled)
7 to 8: Ship of the Line – This ship was better equipped to handle multiple opponents, having two of its weapon slots moved to keel slots (in the case of ships with only one slot, it loses its main weapon slot in exchange for two keel slots). In addition to the weapons that can normally be mounted on keel slots, these slots can also mount landing bays and lances that can normally only be mounted on cruisers. If the hull in question is a cruiser or larger, then it can also mount lances that would normally only be available to grand cruisers.
9 to 10: Dark Age Ship: This ship is just generally better than other ships. It gains an additional keel weapon slot. It's speed, armor, turret and shield ratings are increased by one, and it's detection and maneuverability ratings are increased by 5.