How Many Core Sets?

By 4wallz, in 4. AGoT Deck Construction

In advance I'd like to apologize if this topic has already been covered. But as the website is painfully slow when it comes to the forums (and searching for this info!), I will ask the question. As a new AGoT player, I want to know how many core sets I should buy. With the Star Wars LCG I bought two. And had to get 3 core sets to get all copies for Netrunner.

So do I need to purchase 3 core sets to get evey copy of the cards for AGoT? Or are two core good enough because of the cards included? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

You will need 3 Cores if you want to maximize efficiency and/or play tourneys, but for more casual play 2 will suffice (just proxy as many Valars as you need). Some Houses need the third Core more than others; Targ wants 3x Forever Burning and Flame-Kissed and Lanni wants 3x Golden Tooth Mines, but Bara doesnt really need a third unless you want 3x Stannis… Stark doesn't even need a Core (the only card you need from it is Hodor) and can run with just a few CPs and the box expansion.

CardGamedb has decklists for new players looking to build balanced decks from just the Core cards.

Thanks for the advice! :)

If you want to play competitively, you need 3.