Hey guys. I'm very new to this game still trying to understand the rules. I have no idea how I would deck build and I would like to build some decks out of the 3 core sets I have. Can anyone with more experience help me out i'd really appreciate it
thanks in advanced.
core set deck building
Amurokashu said:
Hey guys. I'm very new to this game still trying to understand the rules. I have no idea how I would deck build and I would like to build some decks out of the 3 core sets I have. Can anyone with more experience help me out i'd really appreciate it
thanks in advanced.
First thing is you have to decide how you want to pair them up, since 3 cores is a great card pool, but still probably not enough to build mono-decks. I recommend pairing 1 mythos and 1 investigation faction. One faction will have to be mono and I recommend Cthulhu. Once you have that decided, put x3 all the best cards in.
No, seriously, some general rules to build decent draft decks for play is to follow a ratio: 30 characters, 20 locations/events; only put in x2 of uniques, and x3 of good non-uniques. You also want to keep an eye on your cost curve: essentially, don't put all 3-cost and above cards. You want to be able to play cards every turn, which means having enough 1 and 2 cost cards to reliably draw them in your starting hand. So out of those 50 cards, at least half should be 2 cost and lower, one-quarter-ish should be 3 cost, and the rest above 3 cost. Obviously, this changes slightly if you are trying to build a cheaper "rush" deck, in which case you probably don't want to go about 3 cost cards and a higher ratio would be 1-2 cost. If you are trying to get big dudes out, you will need to build your resources up on 1 domain quickly, so your other 2 domains will likely stay with 1 resource, so you have to keep that in mind when deckbuilding.
I hope this helps, but let us know if you have more specific questions.
Danigral is giving some great advice--as far as faction pairings go though, doing mythos+investigator is good if you're looking to have even-ish games with friends, but if you're trying to just get more familiar with the game it can also be helpful to pair monster with monster and investigator with investigator just to get a feel for the very different ways they each need to be played.
Good general advice there. The rules can change depending on what factions you're playing too, for instance some factions are better at rush style decks with cheapers characters and may not use many 4+ cost ones. Miskatonic and Syndicate for example. On the other hand, Cthulhu and Shub tend to play more high priced characters. Shub has cost reducers to lower their effective cost back into the "normal" realm, Cthulhu is just sort of Cthulhu and has a lot of powerful big guys.
For beginners I usually recommend a bit more Events than Supports out of your 20 or so non-character cards because some people who are just starting out may run into "deadlock" situations where they get hung up on icon counting and a little more uncertainty can help them break out of this. If you're playing and aren't running into that issue then don't worry about it
If you can pick a couple of factions or even post part or all of a deck idea that might help us give more concrete suggestions.
I just have a single Core so far, playing against a friend who has a single Core. I realize that ultimately I'll need another Core and some expansions, but for the time being:
What is the strongest deck that I can build with just one Core? (Miskatonic seems really powerful)
What are the two most balanced decks I can build with just one Core if I want to try and teach another new player?
Sorry, I'm sure this has been asked and answered many times. Thanks!
I just have a single Core so far, playing against a friend who has a single Core. I realize that ultimately I'll need another Core and some expansions, but for the time being:
What is the strongest deck that I can build with just one Core? (Miskatonic seems really powerful)
What are the two most balanced decks I can build with just one Core if I want to try and teach another new player?
Sorry, I'm sure this has been asked and answered many times. Thanks!
I was just thinking the same thing. I just don't have the time, but would like to throw two decks together really fast to learn.
Half the fun is trying different combinations out and working out which faction themes and abilities appeal to you, that you'll later want to build on when you purchase additional sets/packs to enhance the game.
To begin with, perhaps you and your opponent should each combine a mythos faction (Cthulhu, Hastur, Shub-Niggurath and Yog-Sothoth) with a human faction (The Agency, Miskatonic University and The Syndicate), to get a good mix of character icons.
If you'd like to compare your findings with mine, here's an old thread where I posted the results of testing all possible faction pairings: http://community.fantasyflightgames.com/index.php?showtopic=7129
TL;DR: I've found that pairing Cthulhu with either Agency or Syndicate resulted in the two strongest Core-Set-only decks.
The next best decks resulted from pairing Agency with either Miskatonic, Shub-Niggurath, or Syndicate.
As you can see, other players had different results, so feel free to post your findings here!
i would use this method: chose your factions based on your personality exept the complite opposit. let me explane. if you are a good harted fellow whose whole purpace in life is to protect those who are his frainds (i know you ar'nt) then chose a cthulhu and a shub niggurath or agency destructive deck with lots of short fuses (core 17) slavering gugs (core 124) and cthulhus (do i need to say what nomber it is?). if you are evil take miskitonick. if you love your cards and want to use as meny of them, take the deck eater yog sothoth. and so on and so on and so on...
plese ignore writing mistakes.