secrets of arkham reprint

By Amurokashu, in Call of Cthulhu LCG

hey guys. with a reprint for secrets of arkham coming later in the yeard does this mean it'll go to 3 of every card or could it stay at 2 of?

Amurokashu said:

hey guys. with a reprint for secrets of arkham coming later in the yeard does this mean it'll go to 3 of every card or could it stay at 2 of?

I've been hovering on the brink of buying a second box to achieve the full 3x complement. The suspense is killing me.

3 copies of each card? In my opinion the only reason to buy the reprint.

A reprint is scheduled for 2014 along with the Core set, according to the upcoming page at least. I'm really hoping that FFG will announce it is a 160 card set featuring the 10 story cards and 50x3 cards for the factions.

Ugh. I've put off this purchase so many times, because I keep thinking that they're going to re-release it in 3x.

I used to be doubtful that Fantasy Flight would change it over to the x3 format, but there is precedent with the AGoT deluxe expansions. Plus, a few months ago Miniature Market had a fire sale on the Secrets of Arkham (blowing through nearly 200 copies in stock).

In the past I know they've received bulk shipments of product from FFG that is being phased out (see AT-43 and Dust Tactics Premium line), so perhaps it's possible? Keep your fingers crossed.

Hooray! It's confirmed - Secrets of Arkham reprint early next year will finally be in x3.

Additionally, text on errated cards Poltergeist and Things in the Ground are being updated in the reprint.
