Hi All
Think after our secound game we have most of it right but there are still a few issues I can't seem to figure out:
1. Unit Limit: I read some where in the rules that the Limit of units in a hex/space is 8. But if the unit size is ever exceded at what point do you remove the excess units? imediatly or at the end of the turn. The reason this keep coming up is when some one places a mobalize or conquest card and whats to move say 8 model from 1 hex and 8 from anouther hex to try and over power a strong hold. Is this possible?
Would they move the 16 units in battle then remove the excess?
Or can you move the 1st 8 in battle in the case of attackers loosing retreat then continue with the turn and move the next 8 in?
2. Playing as the Waiqar and this question could be answered by that of answers to question 1. The nercomancers raise 2 reanimates as their special. What happens if this raise exceedes the 8 unit limit? Do i remove the excess straight away or at the end of the battle?
Thanks ^^