Played my first game yesterday; it seemed like the human win was too easy. Granted, I was a Cylon who only knew he was a cylon at the sleeper stage, and was quickly stuck in the brig. However, I still feel like not a lot was challenging us.
Needless to say, I feel like we were probably somehow playing wrong.
We never really had problems jumping. The map would fill up pretty slowly, and by the time it was really full, we usually autojumped without problem. Long periods would go by where no new Cylon ships would show up, and we just kind of dawdled about. Just to be clear, when you jump, all the ships are wiped from the map, right? That includes civilian ships and basestars? And new ones don't show up until you draw a crisis card that shows the placement of new ships, am I right? It really seems like the possibility for getting damaged, or even losing resources, is pretty limited. Our lowest resource was food, because we kept drawing "Food shortage" cards; everything else was still in the blue. I think we may have lost one viper to a card effect; the raiders don't seem all that good at fighting.
I hear from lots of people that this is a tough game to win, even with a clumsy cylon (like I was). I can't see how that would be true. Anybody have any idea what we did right/wrong?