Game Victory Variant

By SerKurszewski, in A Game of Thrones: The Board Game

A few friends and me play the game pretty often and we've decided to change the endgame a little. Instead of winning the game immediately when you take your seventh castle, we say you have to hold all seven castles until the end of the round. Has anyone else done this, and what are your thoughts.

In certain cases I think that's smart. I'm pretty new to the game, but I played a four player game last night and baratheon won too easily by going south. So that might rectify a baratheon player simply marching south.

I think the new Feast for Crows POD will adress this with its victory conditions rather than basing victory off of castles.

Another fun variant is one my group and I call "one true King." If at any time a player controls all three influence tokens AND controls King's Landing, they may proclaim themselves the one true King and end the game.