Deep Jungle lvl 3

By Thirroxin, in Rules Discussions

If you play deep jungle lvl 3 on your feild, can they play Graviga or Gravira on any one of your friends since technically they are at 0 support value?

If so... I may never run that card again...

Graviga + Gravira + Deep Jungle lvl3 = OKAY

Deep Jungle lvl3 has almost no benefits...AT ALL

devilmonkey said:

Deep Jungle lvl3 has almost no benefits...AT ALL

I strongly disagree because in a dark deck it works amazing because you always have a higher atk value.

Thirroxin said:

If you play deep jungle lvl 3 on your feild, can they play Graviga or Gravira on any one of your friends since technically they are at 0 support value?

If so... I may never run that card again...

Gravira and Graviga say respectfully 3, or 7 and less
So yes it would work because 0 is still lower than 3 or 7.

For deep jungle, if I challenge somebody and their world is deep jungle lvl 3, and i'm using dark riku with dark cards as friends. Would their support value be 0 since they also count as "friends" or since they are dark cards they still give dark riku support value?

Ichiban829 said:

For deep jungle, if I challenge somebody and their world is deep jungle lvl 3, and i'm using dark riku with dark cards as friends. Would their support value be 0 since they also count as "friends" or since they are dark cards they still give dark riku support value?

Their support would be 0.

Deep Jungle lvl 3 isn't bad, so long as you keep a Phil out, especially against an aggro deck.

Think of it: Deep Jungle lvl 3 + Phil + Sephiroth + attack cards. They challenge you, 'n it'll solely be player 'n attack cards. You challenge them, 'n you can bring a bunch of friends from your side against them. Make sure you have three Herc lvl 3(alt) in your decks, 'n you'll be fine (to take out any heartless lvl 5 or lower, or lvl 8 or lower if you've a Jack lvl 3 out. Be wary, though. If you 'n your opponent have a Jack lvl 3 out, they can easily Parasite Cage yours up, 'n then your Hercs would be near useless). If they have Monstro lvl 1 out, then by all means, you'll be fine. Introduce a few Magic/friends, 'n keep a couple Tidus' tuck'd away for that stray Owl that'll fly in at the wrong time.

However, if you're world runnin, 'n playin this card, then I can certainly see the possibilities of it bein a card you wouldn't want in your deck.

i remember a deck that someone made based solely on using deep jungle lvl 3 so may i suggest looking it up i think the persons name was incredible or something like that. i played against it and it was actually pretty good.