Beyond All Space and Time

By Spongekathotpants, in CoC General Discussion

'Mists of Lethe' seems really good for cost 0! Not only can you reroute an opponent's character potenially killing it off and leaving yourself unopposed but once it's in your discard you can use it to bring a fated character back to hand ridding it of it's counters or reuse an enter play ability. Is it possible to move a defender to a story where no attackers are present? Anyone wanna spoil their favorite The Key and the Gate card?!

Shub-Gyrl said:

Is it possible to move a defender to a story where no attackers are present? Anyone wanna spoil their favorite The Key and the Gate card?!

Good question. The FAQ states the following about committing to stories:

Opponents are able to commit characters only to stories where the active player has characters.

Unless the word 'opponents' gets changed to 'players' I would think that yes you can move a defender to a story where no attackers are present. After that then no struggles resolve and the character is uncommitted. This is just a guess though, anyone else have an idea?

As for favorite card, The Festival. :)

Ahh shucks!

The Festival is probably my favorite as well. Okay I'm gonna spoil my 2nd most favorite card…..

Who else out there loves'm some Nikola Tesla!?

* Nikola Tesla

Man Out of Time

2 Cost, 4 SKill, AA , Yog-Sothoth Scientist , Independent Character

Forced Response : After you trigger an effect from your discardpile, put a success token on Nikola Tesla

Disrupt : When Nikola Tesla would be destroyed, move all success tokens on him to any number of revealed story cards.

I love when this game makes an occasional reference to history (reality)! Much like Lovecraft's literature it blurs the line just a little.

badash56 said:

Shub-Gyrl said:

Is it possible to move a defender to a story where no attackers are present? Anyone wanna spoil their favorite The Key and the Gate card?!

Good question. The FAQ states the following about committing to stories:

Opponents are able to commit characters only to stories where the active player has characters.

Unless the word 'opponents' gets changed to 'players' I would think that yes you can move a defender to a story where no attackers are present. After that then no struggles resolve and the character is uncommitted. This is just a guess though, anyone else have an idea?

As for favorite card, The Festival. :)

Is it possible to move a defender to a story where no attackers are present?

Perhaps you can, as the active player. Certainly the defending player cannot reassign their characters to a story with no attackers, as per the Military Bike example in the FAQ:

If I have a Military Bike (Summons of the Deep F102) which reads: "... Disrupt: After a story to which attached character is committed resolves, exhaust Military Bike to immediately re-commit attached character to another unresolved story" and am the defending player, am I able to commit the attached character to an unresolved story where the attacker has not committed characters?

No, the defending player may not commit characters to stories where the attacking player has not committed characters to.

Is it possible to move a defender to a story where no attackers are present?

Perhaps you can, as the active player.

Yeah, well, but then you're not the defender... :)

In other words: No, as the defending player you cannot move a character to a story where there are no opposing characters.

Edited by jhaelen