Verena Vs. Artefact of a Legend

By Horatius, in Warhammer Invasion Rules Questions

if I have a Legend in play, and he has attached a support card, what happens if my opponent play “Judgment of Verena”?

“Play during your turn. Action: Destroy all unit and support cards in each zone with no developments”

The rules about the Legends, says that they are played directly to the Capital Board not in one zone, this means also that there is a difference between the zones and the Capital Board?

The rules says that there are only 3 "in play" and are: Kingdom, Quest and Battlefield

The rules also says that “the Legend provide his power to a zone like he is placed in this zone”.

So, can I assume that the Legend phisically is placed on the Capital Board that is a place, "not in play" or "in play", that permitted to him to be in all the three zones simultaneously?

At this point, if I have developments in one zone, what happens at the attachment of the Legend?

What do you think about?

Attachment isn't in any zone therefore is unaffected by Verena.

I'm agree but some player have some doubts about it and I wanted a confirmation