Looking for Warzone design rules

By Asajev, in Only War

Hi guys I seem to recall a set of warzone design rules but I can't recall were they were in the books or the net. if anyone recalls this details please post here.

if by warzone you mean warzone in the sense of logistics then it is located in the core rulebook pgs 162-163. If you are looking for warzone as in the storyline of the warzone that the players are in and the current conditions, this is usually left up to the Gm as it just gives backround info and doesnt really affect the missions themselves.

if neither of these are what you are asking then try the Game Master section of the rulebook or the section on the Calixus sector since thos will probably have the information you need.

thanks, yes it was the logistics section I was looking for that coupled with the 100 mission concept generator will do nicely.

One thing that inspired me was in the DW Rites of Battle. A regiment was the equivalent of a Mob composition of 50 Magnitude. So if you wanted to use the idea of large scale conflict in the background of games, or directly apart of a game. Mob rule set works really well. I've used it in Only War for a Tranch Module I did, and the players didnt feel bogged down or clunky cause of it.