Hi guys anyone that have HotE do you know if Rough Riders can get motor bikes as mounts instead of horses? I have the image of a Rough Rider regiment from a hive world comprised of bike gangs. How do you think I can get for this concept. Sources of inspiration such as Akira, Necromunda have influence in the vision of this regiment.
HotE Question: Rough Rider Regiment and Mounts
The Rough Rider (or Cavalry Mount) regiment options do not contain any wording beyond the ability to take a riding mount.
That said, these mounts do actually have an availability tied to them, so as such, I see little issue with exchanging a bike mount for the beast. That said, its questionable what set of rules should be used; if I recall, the core book did a pretty good job of describing how a bike should work in combat. Still, the mount rules do provide a nice, simplified set of instructions on how to deal with incoming hits and whether or not they affect the rider or the mount.
so the short of it is beast or bike it is cosmetic in the context of the rules? seccond question I am guessing each member and comrad get a mount in this kind of regiment.
The rules provided for mounts cover a remarkably wide variety of potential mounts (about 6-7 mounts, with maybe 3-4 solid options, because seriously, what regiment would choose a Grox as their primary mount). It does specifically say "1 riding beast per Player Character." So it is specific enough to be referring to a creature.
And yes, each member does now get a mount.
It does bear mentioning there is also a new "Hevy recon" formation where each squad member gets a sentinal walker, point wise it is exceptionally more expensive than the other options.
KommissarK said:
The rules provided for mounts cover a remarkably wide variety of potential mounts (about 6-7 mounts, with maybe 3-4 solid options, because seriously, what regiment would choose a Grox as their primary mount). It does specifically say "1 riding beast per Player Character." So it is specific enough to be referring to a creature.
And yes, each member does now get a mount.
It does bear mentioning there is also a new "Hevy recon" formation where each squad member gets a sentinal walker, point wise it is exceptionally more expensive than the other options.
Do cohorts benefit from "one X per Player Character" items?
the rules for a good combat bike can be found in the Old Soldiers campaign that came with the GM kit. i see no problem with using this instead of a living mount.
HappyDaze said:
KommissarK said:
The rules provided for mounts cover a remarkably wide variety of potential mounts (about 6-7 mounts, with maybe 3-4 solid options, because seriously, what regiment would choose a Grox as their primary mount). It does specifically say "1 riding beast per Player Character." So it is specific enough to be referring to a creature.
And yes, each member does now get a mount.
It does bear mentioning there is also a new "Hevy recon" formation where each squad member gets a sentinal walker, point wise it is exceptionally more expensive than the other options.
Do cohorts benefit from "one X per Player Character" items?
In theory, yes.
In practice, it shouldn't really matter, execept in this case that it now enables a comrade to maintain a cohesion spacing with the Player Character. Mount or not, itsn ot like you get any extra damage or bonus from them getting any of the gear.
KommissarK said: