Has anyone tried the game with 5 or 6 players? Was wondering how feasible it is. Is there enough mission and power up cards to do so?
More than 4 players?
I intend to try in a game this weekend. My thought was that the fifth player could use a scratch sheet of paper to keep track of their stats and level. Player Markers would require us to use beads or coins but I am sure we have plenty on hand. Power cards shouldn't be a problem since all characters have a power limit but Wargear and Mission cards might run out. After a test run with 5 players, I will post any shortages that occured during our game.
Nice. Interested to know how it turns out!
So unfortunately the 5th person we invited to play couldn't make it so we just had a four-player game. This was the first time I played with 3 other people so I am guessing that adding a 5th player would lengthen the game by another 30 to 40 minutes (this one ran from 7:30 to midnight). We had to reshuffle the power deck and mission deck once and got close to decking out the corruption and wargear cards.
I think it would be possible to run with 5 players but I would only recommend doing so if everybody is familiar with the rules or the game could slow down and become tedious.
I have 4 d12s - one Black (for level) and one red, one blue, and one green to represent the dials. The black die isn't used untilt he first level up, but after that it's just as easy as having the dashboard.
Yes I've played with 6 players, using d12's for stat tracing and glass beeds for character tokens. We ended up having to reshuffle mose decks, but didn't really run short of anything. Having said that we only used the standard 'Get to the middle' starter mission, I would imagine corruption cards may run low if playing 'Corruptus' mission.
I did note that the Rogue Trader faired quite well, as it increased his chances of landing on other players squares - to nab a wargear for one credit. But his player didn't end up winning the game, so I wouldn't say this was a game breaker.
Oh, forgot to mention: I'd say it added a couple of hours to the game - though one of the players was a nube, so difficult to say exactly.