What next for 40K RPG?

By Psibreaker, in Only War


Brother Orpheo said:

To FFG: Quit outsourcing your supplements, dedicate in-house writers and developers to these RPGs, and produce publications with consistent quality.

You do realise that 99% of RPG companies basically run on freelance writers, artists and developers, right? The era of companies having full-time writers have been gone a good 20 years.

Yes, I do. And that's exactly why I said what I did.

I can forgive you of this shortsightedness. You're just defending your own gravy train, no matter how thin that gravy may be.

I'm not sure what you're implying - I don't get paid for being a playtester, I volunteered to do it way back when because I enjoy it.

I forgive you for your ignorance of how FFG operates, and the gaming industry as a whole, though.

I think a Titanicus RPG would be pretty bad a$$. Controlling TItans would be a very interesting idea especially after the Dan Abnett book Titanicus.

I thimk this might be a bit of a reach for it's own system. It would be a VERY cool supplement to the "Only War" game. Add a Princeps Archtype (Probably as an "Elite" class and rules for Titans at war...Mmmmm! :)

I think a Titanicus RPG would be pretty bad a$$. Controlling TItans would be a very interesting idea especially after the Dan Abnett book Titanicus.

I thimk this might be a bit of a reach for it's own system. It would be a VERY cool supplement to the "Only War" game. Add a Princeps Archtype (Probably as an "Elite" class and rules for Titans at war...Mmmmm! :)

Good point. It would be a good addition for Only War, such as an "Acension" type expansion book. I think the model of everyone being the crew of a Titan might work since it would not give them too much firepower, but still enough to have fun. We can see stats for all types of Titans, Gargants, Chaos Titans etc.

I have money in my account ready for it. Get ready to develop FFG for it will soon be all yours!

What I want is the Ork roleplaying game. You play different kind of orkz. It's all about orkz. Orkz orkz orkz orkz.

But yeah a new revised edition with a primary core book would be nice. Also, hire a line editor who gets rid of things like the Tome of Excess being written with the assumption that Chaos Rituals cost XP.

At this point, I'd much rather see Dark Heresy Second Edition. Its still the most popular game line from what I've seen, but when compared to Only War the rules are really starting to show there age.

As much as I'd like to see a 'global rulebook' the cynic in me doubts it would happen if the other corebooks keep selling, plus FFG are still going that route with Edge of the Empire.

The silence from the Dark Heresy line is.. interesting, to say the least.

At this point, I'd much rather see Dark Heresy Second Edition. Its still the most popular game line from what I've seen, but when compared to Only War the rules are really starting to show there age.


They were starting to show their age three years ago. These days, the Dark Heresy rules are simply poor.

At this point, I'd much rather see Dark Heresy Second Edition. Its still the most popular game line from what I've seen, but when compared to Only War the rules are really starting to show there age.

As much as I'd like to see a 'global rulebook' the cynic in me doubts it would happen if the other corebooks keep selling, plus FFG are still going that route with Edge of the Empire.

The silence from the Dark Heresy line is.. interesting, to say the least.

I'd like to see FFG develop their own system for a 2nd edition. The current one is a rehash of a rehash of a rehash of WHFRP from back in the eighties and franky, sucks. Even the "updated" rules from Only War or Black Crusade still struggle with the heritage of a system that just isn't very good at it's core building blocks.

I still buy most of the 40kRPG supplements, and run a weekly Deathwatch game, but I'd love to see the line reborn with a better, more modern system.

At this point, I'd much rather see Dark Heresy Second Edition. Its still the most popular game line from what I've seen, but when compared to Only War the rules are really starting to show there age.

As much as I'd like to see a 'global rulebook' the cynic in me doubts it would happen if the other corebooks keep selling, plus FFG are still going that route with Edge of the Empire.

The silence from the Dark Heresy line is.. interesting, to say the least.

I agree with this. I wonder why? DH definately has some of the most in-depth fluff development and IMHO serves as a building block for all the other systems. Surprising that FFG has shown little interest in updating it. I also agree that that would make more sense than a global redo! :huh:

At this point, I'd much rather see Dark Heresy Second Edition. Its still the most popular game line from what I've seen, but when compared to Only War the rules are really starting to show there age.

As much as I'd like to see a 'global rulebook' the cynic in me doubts it would happen if the other corebooks keep selling, plus FFG are still going that route with Edge of the Empire.

The silence from the Dark Heresy line is.. interesting, to say the least.

I agree with this. I wonder why? DH definately has some of the most in-depth fluff development and IMHO serves as a building block for all the other systems. Surprising that FFG has shown little interest in updating it. I also agree that that would make more sense than a global redo! :huh:

Given Only War was originally going to be a supplement for Dark Heresy, I can kind of see the team being shifted over to focus on support for that. Still, silence from DH and still plenty of support for Rogue Trader (which always struck me as the least popular game?) is a bit surprise, though The Chaos Commandment was advertised as "The Final Chapter".

Going back to the original topic I have to say I would love to see a line come out for the Tau. I think the Tau Empire gives the potential for the most variety of characters as well as in-depth role-playing in a beautiful and alien environment. The problems of living in a cosmopolitan society could be as much fun to role-play as the battles themselves with it being entirely possible to set an interesting and rewarding campaign completely within the borders of the Tau Empire

There's also plenty of scope for playing any of the interesting array of xenos 40K has developed throughout the years, starting with the obvious castes and more identifiable Auxilieries of the Empire such as Kroot, Vespid and Humans. Eldar could also be a possible supplement as they dying race flocks to the growing Tau Empire for support and protection as well as a numerous other xenos races I won't mention here.

The other bonus of playing in the Tau Empire is because of their cosmopolitan and embracing nature you can already play pretty much any other character you've created from any other line. For instance;

Characters from Only War may become POW's who are given a chance to live freely in exchange for serving the Tau Empire or characters such as Ogryn and Ratlings (as well as more liberal minded humans) may choose to defect to a more tolerent and less prejudiced society.

Rogue Traders can virtually deal with them unhindered given their Warrants of Trade and many of the Xenos character options may find moving to the Tau Empire a better option than working with a crew where should they ever enter Imperial Space would be expected to exterminate them on sight.

They give plenty of options for Black Crusade characters to entire a new and niave Empire with the goal of corrupting them to the ruinous powers. With many of the hideous mutations they have most characters could probably pass themselves off as a previously undiscovered xenos race.

Radical elements of the Ordo Xenos may also find infiltrating the Tau Empire through their human colonies a tempting option all the better to discover more of their technology to use against them as well as bring them down with plots from within.

The list is really endless, also I just love the idea of having playable Xenos and the variety and diversity that this gives.

Well that's my two cents :) .

Honestly, the biggest problem i have with alien RPG's is that they are never truly alien. They always end up as human, with different names, monikers and often a stereotyped personality (which humans could also have) so as much as I like the idea of alien RPG's they never ever turn out as great as I'd hope.

Give me a new Dark Heresy, or even necromunda, arbites, adeptus mechanicus. Maybe make it more strategy'ish? Kind of like rogue trader but up on an entirely new level.

necromunda might be a good idea, take control of a hive gang and try to climb your way into power in the underhives.

A new modern and refined version of Dark Heresy would be nice.

If it had to be an alien race...Orks RP?
Just for the sole reason that i reeaally like orks.

Edited by Cortezz

A new modern and refined version of Dark Heresy would be nice.

If it had to be an alien race...Orks RP?

Just for the sole reason that i reeaally like orks.

If they were to do a Xenos race it will probably be Orks or Dark Eldar as they are the two races (that I know of) that already have rules for you to create a character in rogue trader.

If they do a Xenos based game it should be Eldar or Tau. Dark eldar, Orcs and Kroot are already pretty well covered in RT. :)

I won't go through pages of long posts again, so I'll go form what I rad on the first page..

Dark Heresy is fine as it is right now. The only thing that it is missing are a few talents/skills from Rogue Trader (like commerce and air of authority not being quite the same) and perhaps Deathwatch to round it up.

Personally, I am wondering if a new DH will simply be like Warhammer 3rd, a semi-board game with special dice, which is not my forte.

Why change what's not broken? Change for the sake of change makes a rather weak excuse for it.

I say push for more supplements, campaigns and scenarios (a scenario book à la Purge the Unclean would be nice) add the erratas and the weapon talents added along the way to the core book, and print some more. Adepts have no book, so does Psykers; granted, not alot of materials for bureaucrats and Psykers got a little something in a many supplement, but still, there's something to be done here, and that's just part of it all.

Not too sure about playing Tau or Eldar really, they are too alien for humans that I believe it'll turn up to be Rogue Trader: Blue Guys edition and Vampire: The Eldars..and really, one is kept in check by the Eterrals, the others are dying, know they are dying and do a few mysterious missions to extent what little life they have left....at least the Fantasy Elves knew that Humans were key to their survivals rather than just simple things that's useful half the time, they other a great nuisance.

They already got a good thing going. They got the line early enough that they're deep into it, restarting it will be a waste of time, money and resource.

if you don't find DH broken (as is) then I wonder how much DH you've played. It doesn't take alot of time to find glaring issues. Like full auto, which you have to houserule.

I've been running a campaign for 2 years with a session every week.

I see no problem with the firing bonuses as well.

Alright, fresh characters. Which weapons do they pick? Ranged that is. In the beginning +20 is almost doubling their ballistic skill and i had to stop NPC's from using it as they'd kill the party with one lucky roll regardless of what they did.

Psykers, very broken but that's nothing new. Ascension pretty much drains the fun out by destroying some careers while exalting others to nigh unstoppable killing machines, whilst breaking the fluff so bad it's not even (looking at you assassin).

Alright, fresh characters. Which weapons do they pick? Ranged that is. In the beginning +20 is almost doubling their ballistic skill and i had to stop NPC's from using it as they'd kill the party with one lucky roll regardless of what they did.

Psykers, very broken but that's nothing new. Ascension pretty much drains the fun out by destroying some careers while exalting others to nigh unstoppable killing machines, whilst breaking the fluff so bad it's not even (looking at you assassin).

That's odd none of my players in both my games jumped on the autogun...The only player with one is the scum because he started with one. Everyone else went either pistols+melee weapons, lasguns, or longlas/hunting rifle..what with that aiming action giving +20 AND allowing you to get up to 3d10 damage dice..way more powerful than mere auto rifle...now way easier to get that 3d10 whatwith that +10 single shot gives now as well,+10 for half range (95% of the time in my experience) +20 for aiming with an accurate weapon..+30% average BS...so 70% chance of hitting your mark with a good chance of doing extra damage dice.

I don't see how psykers are broken; becasue there,s 10% chance something horribly wrong happens? it's a psyker, and it's 40k, only natural it woud be dangerous to use one's power, like Warhammer Fatnasy's wizards.

The Rogue Trader's system is only there because an astropath is directly connected to the Emperor's soul which makes for a more solid resistance to the warp at the cost of one's natural eye sight.

In case you missed it, this is What's Next For 40K RPG:


I'd like to see FFG develop their own system for a 2nd edition. The current one is a rehash of a rehash of a rehash of WHFRP from back in the eighties and franky, sucks. Even the "updated" rules from Only War or Black Crusade still struggle with the heritage of a system that just isn't very good at it's core building blocks.

I still buy most of the 40kRPG supplements, and run a weekly Deathwatch game, but I'd love to see the line reborn with a better, more modern system.

Wonder Lemming got his wish: DH2E is a complete re-write, not an update of the existing rules. I'm not sure how I feel about that- I think I'll reserve judgement until I hear from some people who have played the new system...

In case you missed it, this is What's Next For 40K RPG:


I'd like to see FFG develop their own system for a 2nd edition. The current one is a rehash of a rehash of a rehash of WHFRP from back in the eighties and franky, sucks. Even the "updated" rules from Only War or Black Crusade still struggle with the heritage of a system that just isn't very good at it's core building blocks.

I still buy most of the 40kRPG supplements, and run a weekly Deathwatch game, but I'd love to see the line reborn with a better, more modern system.

Wonder Lemming got his wish: DH2E is a complete re-write, not an update of the existing rules. I'm not sure how I feel about that- I think I'll reserve judgement until I hear from some people who have played the new system...

I have. A lot of good ideas, especially in the narrative sections. I like the OW combat mechanics better so I'm sure that's where I'll focus. DH2 combat system needs work.

"We've got rules for a Nob of sorts, a Mekboy, a Kommando, and a Weirdboy. The armory is all you could want. It's pretty much all there.

I intend to run an all-Ork game sometime soon."

I wholeheartedly recommend it. Use the ship and PC rules from RT. What can best be described as Waaaggh! Trada is awesome fun.

"Titans in a Mechwarrior/Mech Commander style system would be a lot of fun, actually."

I would love a Titan game. You have enough awesome stompy violence to outclass baneblade tank crews, but also get the politics side of it in a way guardsmen (at least, only war grunts) don't

I've actually done up the Titan's, Knights- careers of Moderati, Princeps and Princepes.

Problem is it's back-ended onto my own ruleset based off OW, but it can dovetail into RT, DH and so on. I quite like it as its opened up quite a lot of options on how or what I'd like to run. Though, in keeping in the tradition of those particular machines, your chances of actually being able to browbeat it into mastery so you can pilot it has resulted in approximately a 50% PC death rate or quite a few burnt fate points... plus, if/when you break your titan or knight it can mean months of repairs and for me, that just means a variety of other adventures people can do.

Overall, I've enjoyed running/playing all the games except for Deathwatch which expended my means of finding new and interesting things to do quite quickly. Which is odd as in BC, the marines can be quite interesting and contributing members of a group that have something to do and you dont have to lead them by the nose all the time.

I'd be interested in a Xeno-book of some sorts, to make it really work as a roleplaying experience I think it would need a great deal of page real estate devoted to alien psychology, rather than the a-typical personality type and motivations which are just spin offs or a couple of facets of human behaviour. Especially something like Eldar that are supposed to be a complicated critter.