In this RtL level the rune locked doors (there are two) are not unlocked via a rune key (the usual method is that a rune key is automatically given to the party when the level boss dies), but instead the party is required to simultaneously stand on 4 ? spaces (2 each side of the dungeon, for each door).
Think of it as a lever door, and it requires 4 simultaneously pulled levers to open.
Edit: The doors are consecutive, not side by side. Although it is all one 'area' the only way to the second half of the 'area' is through the first runelocked door, just as though it was a new 'area' in a standard quest.
a) So, can the named Monster open the doors without standing on the levers?
IMO RAW she can. And therefore can close the doors as well. (see FAQ1.4 pg1)
b) Does this mean that the heroes must all go and stand on the ? spaces again to reopen the door?
IMO RAW they do.
However, this can bring up a problem...
If the door can be closed by the monster after it has been opened (or by the use of a card such as Poltergeist) when the heroes are split on either side of the door, then they are unable to reopen the door - at least until those on one side or the other all die. While there are glyphs on both sides of the first door (and the second is to exit the dungeon level, so not a problem as much*) the use of 2 Event treachery enables a cunning OL (or one like me that just prefers to find more interesting things than massed CrBlw to use Event treachery on) to prevent the use of the second glyph to transport in and out of town from (not to mention the 2CT saved).
Thus, if the OL thereafter ignored the heroes who had passed through the first door way and refused to attack them, they would be forced to suicide in order to enable the party to move forward, or even escape the dungeon.
Now this is probably costing the OL at least 3 Event treachery (since the Leader is a large, slow moving Naga and unlikely to be able to get to the door to shut it while there are heroes on both sides) - treachery which are not being used on Crushing Blow.
So, the question(s) to throw out there is;
1. Is this a reasonable return for the OL, or cheesy/sneaky beyond the realms of reasonableness (subjective question)
2. Do you agree with the rules questions a) and b) above? (The wording on the card (which I don't have with me but did check) is very clear that the heroes must stand on the ? spaces to open the door, not to unlock it, or get a runekey or anything) (slightly more objective question).
3. Would you answer to 1. above change if it was mid gold and the heroes were ahead 350-150? (trick question)
*to exit a level only one hero is required to go through the last door, the rest can either go through the door or be in town.
PS I bought the level card to work to refer to when writing this and now can't find it. Can someone please give me the Boss Naga's stat bonus (I think 8 wounds, 1 Armour and 2 free wounds on a grappled hero at the start of her turn?) in case the card doesn't turn up before we run the session. TIA.