HotE has added some extra options that change how Standard Kit is determined, and some valid choices seem to conflict. Here are some of my questions:
1) Close-Quarters Battle is a Training Doctrine that replaces the Guardsmen's usual Main Weapon and Flak Vest/Helmet. Vanguard is a Special Equipment Doctrine that replaces the Guardsmen's usual Main Weapon and Flak Vest/Helmet. How do these mesh with Regimental Type options that also replace the Main Weapon and/or Flak Vest Helmet. For the most complex possible example, what would a unit of Mechanised Infantry trained in Close-Quarters Battle and equipped as a Vanguard use for a Main Weapon and wear for armour?
2) Mixed Regiments determine their starting kit as described in thse two sentences:
Each Component Regiment selects its own Standard Regimental Guardsman Kit, but all members of a Mixed Regiment are assignmed the Standard Regimental Kit of the Core Regiment instead of their regiment's normal Standard Regimental Guardsman Kit and have the same Favoured Weapons of the Core Regiment instead of their own. Component Regiments besides the Core Regiment do not contribute to the Standard Regimental Guardsmen Kit of the Mixed Regiment with their choice of Doctrines, selection of additional equipment, or by any other means.
Um, so what's the point of having the Component Regiment(s) select their own Kit if it never gets used? And since Doctrines are only supposed to apply to the part of the Regiment that takes them, you get weird things like the Core Regiment taking Cameleoline and everyone getting it. What gives here? Are the Mixed Regiment rules just screwy? Should you just let players make multiple regiments and then just mix the characters together without crossing the effects of regiments (that sure seems more balanced)?